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Recent Changes to Affairs

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Mentor should never have been just a quota team. It defeats the whole purpose of creating quality staff members which should have been a priority with the lack of. Mentors should be assigned specific staff members so you don't have that issue. Yes, we made them check-up which is a type of quota but the difference is that was the same person helping the T-Mod through the process of becoming a staff member and not just some random staff member messaging you on teamspeak "Any questions" which is what it became at one point. I agree with the removal in its current state.


serious guy
IRP Elite Admin
Mentor was useless anyway, thank god that shit affairs team is gone and the time used for it can be spent on things that actually matter.


Mentor should never have been just a quota team. It defeats the whole purpose of creating quality staff members which should have been a priority with the lack of. Mentors should be assigned specific staff members so you don't have that issue. Yes, we made them check-up which is a type of quota but the difference is that was the same person helping the T-Mod through the process of becoming a staff member and not just some random staff member messaging you on teamspeak "Any questions" which is what it became at one point. I agree with the removal in its current state.
The real mentor OVS has spoken.
big brain 300iq, when the mentor review system was introduced and numbers introduced it became useless

when numbers are introduced and quotas, the quality of whatever team or branch or activity will go down makes quantity > quality
Almost as close-minded as you with your assumptions that just because a team has existed automatically makes it a useful and beneficial team. Call it what it was, it was another optional team with a quota that benefited few people. Prior to the Mentor team being created by @Lance , this was exactly how we managed new Tmods. Senior Moderators that were online were asked that if they had a spare hour to come train a tmod and show them the ropes. It had no quota and no commendation besides proving to leadership that you took initiative to help new staff members and demonstrated good leadership skills.

This change is a good one, overall.

*cough* Crisis made the mentor team *cough*
Mentor should never have been just a quota team. It defeats the whole purpose of creating quality staff members which should have been a priority with the lack of. Mentors should be assigned specific staff members so you don't have that issue. Yes, we made them check-up which is a type of quota but the difference is that was the same person helping the T-Mod through the process of becoming a staff member and not just some random staff member messaging you on teamspeak "Any questions" which is what it became at one point. I agree with the removal in its current state.


DarkRP Head Admin
Recruitment Manager
TeamSpeak Moderator
It is so easy to get to SMOD and being trusted enough to train tmods will fuck it up...

This is not being considered enough. Anyone can get SMOD, I personally don't think I was even ready for it now that I look back - if we're going to have this kinda change, we at least need make Senior Moderator more difficult - it shouldn't be given after just a week of Mod in my opinion. Senior means...well... senior, being on staff for barely a week after your trial period does not qualify you as such.
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