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  1. Gale

    Public Release of Syria Map

    Terrain generator allows you to export the terrain as a .VMF file
  2. Gale

    Public Release of Syria Map

    I'll fix it next time I update the map x3
  3. Gale

    Public Release of Syria Map

    To show ya'll I care! It's in the map in the admin room.
  4. Gale

    Public Release of Syria Map

    Corvezeo has okayed a public release for the Syria map! Here ya go: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2282239362
  5. Gale

    [12/7/2019] CITYRP UPDATE

    Looks great <3 Lots of nice changes
  6. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Alright, I'm opening the thread for suggestions! There are no guarantees any of your suggestions will be added, but I'd like to hear from you all nonetheless. On another note, I will be posting a new update to the thread hopefully within the next week or so. Suggest away!
  7. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    So yeah, it's going to take an hour to upload, but I'll post it Asap. Thanks for your patience!
  8. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Ughh. I just made a 10 minute video but my microphone wasn't recording. Trying again
  9. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Speaking of...I'm working on a post as we speak
  10. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Honestly, I keep going back and forth. I'm looking at early dusk, or night right now. It's more interesting looking than mid-day. I'm thinking I should do dusk first, so people can better orient themselves, and learn the map.
  11. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    In case anyone is wondering, I haven't posted updates for a while because most of the work done is optimization(which is invisible to players for the most part). Though, I do have one area I've started to art:
  12. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    In raw size It's about 1/4 smaller than our current map. The layout, buildings and cover ought to add way more depth than our current map though.
  13. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    That'll be decided during testing, but a lot of the buildings that have interiors I already have down. Additional ones will probably be added for additional flank routes and such
  14. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    It's actually the big area to the bottom right: The top left is the US base. It's geometry exploded so I didn't include it in the screenshot.
  15. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    The skybox actually lines up in the current map, but when you get too close to the edge of a map it stops rendering the skybox. Usually it's mitigated by not letting players get there in the first place, or putting a player clip further away from the edge of the map.
  16. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    I don't even have one right now, but I'll try my best!
  17. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Maybe, but decisions like that are made late in the process
  18. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    It depends. We have to run some tests to make sure boats are stable, and don't cause server crashes. Even then, performance, and other issues may stop them from being pushed into the server.
  19. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    I need to finish the bases, the cities besides the bases, fix gaps in geometry, refine the game-play, optimize, texture, add models and art up the environment, then check for bugs, then release. There are definitely more steps that I'm missing, but there is a lot still to do.
  20. Gale

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    Just about everything you can see. Nothing else!