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Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

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Hey Gale on this new map will Navy actually have a purpose now like ship or boat
It depends. We have to run some tests to make sure boats are stable, and don't cause server crashes. Even then, performance, and other issues may stop them from being pushed into the server.
Thanks, the current one triggers my OCD every time we go around the map edge
The skybox actually lines up in the current map, but when you get too close to the edge of a map it stops rendering the skybox. Usually it's mitigated by not letting players get there in the first place, or putting a player clip further away from the edge of the map.


Turkish people r garbage
Ever though about implementing a OOC area with some games? Maybe like a tavern with a sliding door like the CWRP one? Something you could would be a radio tower that only the admins could access and that could be used for RP events or passive Rp events like someone announcing the weather etc

Slot machine addon
Blackjack table
Radio Addon
Hey @Gale Can we be oh so lucky to get a map tour video again? of stuff that you change? Plz <3

Also how tall with the skybox be? like big enough for Helicopters?


Commander of RP
What will the US base be called? or has it not been considered yet
@Gale not sure if this is too late as the map already looks like it has a clear direction, but I would love a guerrilla geared atmosphere for the map with the color scheme suited to complement Insirgent camos.
Ever though about implementing a OOC area with some games? Maybe like a tavern with a sliding door like the CWRP one? Something you could would be a radio tower that only the admins could access and that could be used for RP events or passive Rp events like someone announcing the weather etc

Slot machine addon
Blackjack table
Radio Addon
Addons like these are not a part of the map itself.
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