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Which Map

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If possible, I'd like to see the map rotation we did in the summer of 2018. Where it was the old map except it had sand night, foggy day, winter night, winter day, grassy night, etc. I know it was strenuous on the HA team and execs, but I remember everybody loved the weekly change in the environment.

For Example (Sand Night):

Some more pictures here of most of the map rotation styles if anyone is curious

Never played the old map but from the reactions I'd say old map. The reactions on the old map are far better than the reactions on the current map.
If you're ever on at the same time as me, I'll set the event server to it so you can see it
From what I can tell from other peoples opinions is that the old map is great. I personally don't like the current map so for me i'd say old map :)
The new one was fun and worth the time not gonna lie. The other one was better for this server in general. I wish we could get a time-based rotation rather than just ditching this one.
Like a lot of people are saying, a monthly rotation of map changes of the old map (ie. Summer 2018) will liven up playstyle and bring a more diverse roleplay experience. As well as this it allows for Marines and AFSOC to become invisible in the desert variants ;P
I like the new map. I think that gameplay wise it's a lot more varied than the old map. However, the old map was just a lot more fun and had a charm to it that the new map just doesn't have
If you want my opinion, I'd say the old map because of the way it was. I like big maps but this one is just to hard for ins to raid. We used to be able to jump over wall by us construction. the us Base is like a huge ass fortress. So if im voting I say the old map but like Azzerxzz and XYZ said do environment changes.