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TTT Changelogs 8/25/2021

Since theres no TTT suggestion section I'm just gonna make the post here.

I suggest adding Yogtowers, or as I call it Pogtowers. This is a more compact TTT map making it so the traitors have to be good at hiding their kills and talking their way out or just kill fast. This map also has several good traps that can be used to kill the innocents faster. I think it is a good map and adds a lot to gameplay. Personally I think this is a very fun map and can lead to some very fun rounds.

Map link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949322912&searchtext=yogtowers


had to blink a few times to make sure I was reading this right, might just be a typo but I think this post is supposed to be titled FiveM changelog


Shortest DVL Term
To add to this, adding the loot box system other servers used that have like models/accessories / unique guns would be cool, at least I've always enjoyed the TTT servers that have those as opposed to the default 5-10 gun rotation.

Although TTT still a blast regardless