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Regarding server suggestions and bug reports

Hello all.

Starting today, we will be moving to a new platform for Server Suggestions, Bug Reports, and other miscellaneous changes that players may want to suggest for their servers. All suggestions for each game platform will have their own dedicated board. This platform allows us to easily manage multiple servers and provide a roadmap on what is in what stage of development. Our current system is spanned across multiple forum nodes and it has been proving extremely inefficient and difficult for our developers, head administration, and executive team to keep an acceptable time span for suggestions. We hope that this system allows us to organize the suggestions you give us in a more concise way, so we can pick up on your server's suggestions in one place and work quickly.

Here's a sample video demonstrating how simple the process is.
Sample Video

You will be able to find the suggestions section straight from the main page now. No more digging through tons of sub forums just to see what's newly suggested.

Feel free to start providing feedback by clicking here!

PS : All old suggestions will be hidden and archived. If you had a suggestion that was previously on hold or accepted,
I'd recommend making a new one on the new boards to make sure we don't miss anything!