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Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

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I think this looks sick and could help with the lag if it is taken in consideration about what you use as in lighting to pervent lag. other than that new maps are like new things....EXCITING TO TRY.


Turkish people r garbage
(A bit late now) For a few empty areas you could add US or Insurgent outposts but have them cap-able so they don’t become a second US base or INS Base.
So many areas for combat for close and far combat, seems like it's going great. I think I'm going to like this factory that you have still building lol

BTW, when you updated the thread to change the date, you put on the title "Updates 9/16", not 11/16. I think you may have made a small typo, people may not know it was updated.
No, I don't think so. I'm designing the map without prone in mind anyhow.
Since prone probably wont be coming back are you planning on making lots of places that a bi-pod can be placed while standing or crouching?
current map is kinda lack in that area
I was really looking at it and it looks different from the 9-16-18 overview. Like the big main area has changed, I was just wondering. What all has changed since the last update... apart from all the newer stuff.
Looks amazing, I posted this before but I got reported for necro so here we go again..

I absolutely love the work you do for the map and I (as a mapper myself) really enjoy looking at other people's maps. I can tell you put so much work and effort into your maps and I don't think many people appreciate that so.. Keep doing what you're doing an hope to see another update soon!

P.S : Would love to chat some time because I have some questions about mapping that are quite.. annoying
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