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Global Meeting [06/10/2022]


💎 Undisputed
IRP Head Admin
Game Master Lead
Forum Moderator
TeamSpeak Moderator
Admin senate should not be removed, changes should be made to where opinions are actually valued from the Senate by the executive team.

Congratulations to everyone on their promotions
Opinions are valued, but when most of the suggestions are specifically suggested to allow a certain group of people flat out a boost in perms because they feel like it, issues arise. Especially when people get mad regardless if it would be a downright detriment to the server and get denied even if the voting was semi-positive.

There's a wide variety to go about it, like allowing the HA meetings & Commander meetings to go over suggestions and changes they'd like to see and forward it up to the Supervisors & Directors for final approval and implementation. Over the past three months, I've gathered feedback from people involved in the Admin Senate and most of it is negative and that'd it'd be better off removed, or they aren't happy that the DVL / Supervisor can deny the suggestion if it's something that's an ignorant change but is voting highly on originally.


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