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  1. JoshD

    Dark RP: Map Update

    Cool dude
  2. JoshD


  3. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions 6/19/2020

    congratulations folks
  4. JoshD

    your pfp looks exactly like you anyway so don't know what your chatting.

    your pfp looks exactly like you anyway so don't know what your chatting.
  5. JoshD

    Recent Changes to Affairs

    looks like some interesting changes, looking forward to seeing how this turns out. +1
  6. JoshD

    Forum Styles

    that ^
  7. JoshD

    Forum Maintenance

    I like, thanks :)
  8. JoshD

    5/14/20 Military Roleplay Map Update

    someone tell me how the fps is please ty
  9. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions

    Congrats folks!
  10. JoshD

    oops 😬 just cleaning ypDarkRP :)

    oops 😬 just cleaning ypDarkRP :)
  11. JoshD

    [03/09/2020] DARKRP UPDATE

    Thank you for your work and effort you made to improve our server. Great to work with and an amazing job done!
  12. JoshD

    DarkRP: Class Changes Document

    Anyone who wishes to make any type of suggestion can contact the DarkRP Leadership at anytime, or can use our suggestions section on the forums linked (here). Thank you Psyche
  13. JoshD

    Newsletter - February 2020

    Very nice!
  14. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions

    Congrats @XBobX, well deserved.
  15. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions

  16. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions and Announcements

    Congrats buckets and Christian!
  17. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions

  18. JoshD

    DVL+ Promotions and Announcements

    Congrats well done
  19. JoshD

    Important Announcements

    sounds awrite