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Important Announcements

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while since my last announcement but here we are 3 weeks later and I am happy to announce the new changes for the Liaison Department and a couple of important topics that need to be addressed.

Liaison Changes and Additions:


Human Resources:

1. Human Resources member will be removed within the upcoming days.
This change is mainly to make the team even smaller than it is as we value and want to minimize the amount of people who are involved in the HR Reports that are submitted. We want to ensure that everyone's information and reports aren't viewed by that many individuals and have come to this conclusion to cut the numbers down. HR Managers will keep their place with 1 more and that will be the full team. The team will have 1 HR Overseer and 3-4 HR Managers.

New HR COC: HR Manager > HR Overseer > Liaison Advisor > Liaison Supervisor > D.O.L


Public Relations: Yes, Public Relations will be coming back but it will be executed and ran differently than it's predecessor.

1. Public Relations will only consist of 4 individuals, 1 PR Overseer and 3 PR Managers. The issues from the last team is that it was way too big and it did not make senses to have such lower ranking staff members communicate topics from the executives to the rest of the community. Keeping the team small and compact is a great way to ensure that any form of communication is bought back to 3 individuals with report to the PR Overseer. The PR Overseer will be a Liaison Executive.

2. Whether applications open up for PR is another story. At the moment, I am considering having these PR Managers handpicked by myself. However, if you are interested in becoming a PR Manager please pm me on the forums and we can have a chat.

PR COC: PR Manager > PR Overseer > Liaison Advisor > Liaison Supervisor > D.O.L

Staff Relations: This is the newest addition to our department.

Job: This team will be in charge of handling and dealing with disputes, arguments, confusion, and overall drama that can occur between High RP Leadership and Staff Leadership for the Serious RP Servers and between Clans and Staff on both CityRP and DarkRP. From the time I stepped down to SL I noticed that a lot of High Command+ on MRP really disliked the HA+ and did not want them near any RP power at all, even though these HA's were more than qualified to help out between both factions and help RP. A lot of arguments would spill over and the RP leadership would make idiotic decisions and mistakes that cost them their rank or even led up to a ban exceeding 1 month. I noticed how important it is to have a healthy relationship and communication with the community members who play your server because they are the ones who are leading the RP day in and day out. However, due to some recent experiences with other servers I have realized how much of a staff divide can occur when a situation with an RP Leader and HA+ is not handled correctly or all questions are not answered thoroughly. A lot of bans can be avoided if there is a trusted individual who can sit in and talk to these people on a daily basis to ensure that moving forward everyone is on the same page and that their voices are being heard. These people will also be in charge of taking community feedback from High RP positions and communicating that to the Staff Leadership of said server.

Difference between PR and SR: PR is more going to be involved in all the Departments so you want to go to these individuals or the PR Overseer and ask them questions about your server or any upcoming changes that may happen as well as issues you see with how things are on your server or even just simply make them aware of any issues that you may not feel comfortable going to anyone else about. These guys are here to hear you out but also help me make global announcements and make me aware of anything going on in our community that needs to be addressed publicly. SR will be strictly for the Personnel Department and will mainly be involved in helping those within RP and Staff.

1. Staff Relations will only consist of 4 individuals, 1 SR Overseer and 3 SR Managers.

2. Whether applications open up for SR is another story. At the moment, I am considering having these SR Managers handpicked by myself. However, if you are interested in becoming an SR Manager please pm me on the forums and we can have a chat.

3. Also, at the moment I am considering making these 3 SR Managers anonymous as I worry sometimes about the backlash individuals in these positions face if something were not to go in someones favor. I want everyone to be able to function in a friendly environment where they are not labeled as negative connotations because of what their job is. This is more an issue that resides within our community and it's always best to try and understand what someones job is before attacking the person.

SR COC: SR Manager > SR Overseer > Liaison Advisor > Liaison Supervisor > D.O.L

Further Announcements:

Advisor Promotion Requests:

Please stop making Advisor Promotion Requests for individuals in our community. We do appreciate that other staff members and community members want to recognize those who work hard by making these but it is not needed. We as the Board of Directors: @Niermann.D, @Dirt, @Sayeed, and myself @Jidax decide those who we want in our departments which goes through an extensive process with final approval from Dyno and Corvezeo. Any post like these past the time this post is released will be immediately deleted.


This has already been made aware to the HA+ of all servers by Dyno but this is something that I need to address to the whole community. If any of you have an issue with an executive or their behavior please do not argue with them in an open channel. It is very unprofessional and it sends a bad message. Please ask this individual to come with you to another channel to discuss in private or PM each other. If that's not what you want to do than please feel free to report them either directly to myself or Dyno or make an HR report and it will be dealt with. Please understand that you can have your opinion but please do not argue in front of others as those individuals can feel uncomfortable or even file a report on you. Please be mindful of your actions and continue to do great work. If there is something going on personally or other issues bothering you, please step aside and remove yourself from the situation. Please do not let your emotions control your actions as that is the time when mistakes are made.

We as the executive team want nothing but what's best for the server and you guys. We will never do something to harm anyone or anything that you guys have worked for. We devote as much time to the server as you guys do and we want to work with you not against you.

Message to the Community:

This is an issue that I have come across which makes my job very difficult to accomplish and the other Directors as well. If there are any issues that you come across on your servers no matter if it's minor or major please report it or make a staff member aware of the situation. We are not mind readers, we can not be everywhere all the time and there will be some things even we are not aware of. You guys WILL NOT GET IN TROUBLE and I can't stress this enough for reporting someone or coming to HA+ with issues on your server. If you guys keep quiet we can't do anything. How do we fix something if we don't know what we need to fix? How do we help someone who we don't know needs help? Please communicate with your HA+ and if you don't feel comfortable you can come to on of my Liaison Executives @Davidsid, @Last, and myself @Jidax. If you come to directly to us regardless of your rank you are not breaking COC. This only applies to the Liaison Department.

Apart from that thank you for your guy's amazing work and continue to make Icefuse great. Can't wait to see what the future holds for us and continue doing what makes you great. Thank you and have a nice day.


Ex-Shitposter Extraordinaire ♡
I love the whole concept of SR especially for toxic servers like DRP where the community thinks we just tell them to fuck off or we don't take anything they say into consideration. This should hopefully improve their view on the staff team!