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Recent content by Slick

  1. Slick

    [Pushed 8/2/21] MilitaryRP Weapon Changelog

    It's probably the smallest change lol, just burst within 10-15 bullets and you won't even notice a change...
  2. Slick

    hey babe

    hey babe
  3. Slick

    Staff Blacklist Changes

    All good now
  4. Slick

    Staff Blacklist Changes

    @Jidax Dont know if this is only me but I’m pretty sure members aren’t able to view the global staff blacklist anymore, “can’t perform this action to view”
  5. Slick

    Forum and TeamSpeak Integration

    Not gonna lie this makes recruiting a lot harder, they gotta sign up for the forums now too sheesh
  6. Slick

    I still stand by these words.

    I still stand by these words.
  7. Slick


  8. Slick

    Wassup daddy Luto

    Wassup daddy Luto
  9. Slick

    MRP Map Announcement!

  10. Slick

    8/11/20 DarkRP Update

    The best clan ever BC shall make a return
  11. Slick

    Military RP: (Current) MRP Map Update!

    smashy is a beast
  12. Slick

    Sup bro how’s life

    Sup bro how’s life
  13. Slick

    [Imperial Roleplay] Open Beta Test TODAY!

    Wheres the MRP love at tho... 😪
  14. Slick

    A New Server Preview - Star Wars : Battlefront

    All the servers that have came out in icefuse I.e policeRP and Minecraft icefuse have been taken down very sad they gotta make another Star Wars which I don’t enjoy oof
  15. Slick

    A New Server Preview - Star Wars : Battlefront

    Why is there another server coming out? Obviously, expansion is good for a company, however, a few GMOD servers are unstable, shouldn’t we focus on those first? Also, this will limit the amount of updates each server gets as well. Just my thoughts.