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The future of Global Meetings


Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've written a forum post like this. I just want to go over some changes that we are implementing to the global meetings to better celebrate the accolades, accomplishments, and promotions of hard working individuals within our community.

Typical Agenda of a Global Meeting starting next week:
1) Global Meetings will be held every Friday at the conclusion of all Staff Meetings.
2) Director+ PTS will be announced if they have anything to announce.
3) All Staff of the Weeks, Head Admin+ promotions, & Executive promotions will be announced by the DVL's or highest rank representative of their server.
4) Following the meeting a post will follow detailing what was said at the global in a TLDR format.

In order to better recognize the promotions happening on our servers the Staff Promotion posts that usually reside within the Personnel Announcements Sections will be merged with these Global Meeting notes to have everything in one place. This means the Staff Promotion post will happen on Friday.
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