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Accepted SickPoison's Teamspeak Ban Appeal


Your in-game Name:

Your Teamspeak Name:


Date & Length of Ban:
03/29/2019 | 30 Days

Staff Member who banned you:
I am unaware of the Staff Member who banned me.

Reason for your ban (tells you when you attempt to join):
"Breach Of TOS"

Why should we unban you:
I personally believe I should be unbanned because I am completely unaware of the reason I was banned in the first place.
I was chilling in a channel and out of nowhere I was banned from the TS for "Breach Of TOS". I abide by the rules and
prefer to just hang out. That's what makes this ban confusing. That's why I believe I should be unbanned.

Do you understand if we do decide to lift your ban that you will be watched closely; any further actions will result in an extended ban:
Yes, of course!
Any additional information:
No Thank you!