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Regarding recent events...

Hey everyone!

Over the past week, we've had a group of users that received bans on all of our game servers and discords due to some concerns that were brought up regarding potential malicious intent towards our players, RP documents, discords, game servers, and potential leeching to alternate communities. In the interest of preventing those actions, bans were issued on all users affiliated with the suspected group. We understand there was quite a bit of confusion and miscommunication surrounding these bans and whether our users where allowed to associate with them following their bans. Needless to say, we understand that some of the banned users were friends to many of the community and their bans came as a surprise. We want to clarify briefly that only users who are on the excommunication list here are subject to the recently enacted policy EP 1K. Users who are banned from the community do not apply to the policy unless they are on that list. This policy was put in place for users who have been exceedingly insistent on causing harm to the community and its users and we do not want those users to have any affiliation or footing to influence our community members. Some of the users who were recently banned were mistakenly added to that list merely for being affiliated with some of these users. This has since been corrected and additions to this list should only be reserved for users who are genuinely not welcome in our community. The board of directors have reviewed all of the bans in the recent events and issued an unban on any user who was banned for association or did not have sufficient evidence. These users are welcome to connect once more on the servers and play. Unfortunately, we had a few users who took the opportunity to come onto the servers and leaked docs and spam racist/derogatory remarks. These users will keep a ban that may have been reduced for 6 months, standard to our punishment guidelines.

Hopefully this gives some insight on what happened and how we are handling this situation moving forward.​