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Newsletter- August 2019

Hello everyone, starting this month and all months following I will be posting a newsletter on the 1st of every month detailing and addressing a slew of topics and informing you guys of changes coming in the near future. This will be the only month where the newsletter isn't posted on the 1st and that's mainly because of my work schedule. However, I do promise to stay consistent and deliver every month following this one.

Please refer to this post to have an idea of how the monthly newsletters will be: https://icefuse.net/forums/index.php?threads/important-announcements.60180/

Important Announcements:

As stated above these newsletter's will be posted at the beginning of every month. The reason for this being done is we want to be transparent as we possibly can to you guys in order to inform and involve you guys. The newsletters will be longer following this month, this one is just being made short to inform everyone in one swift reading. All newsletter's will end with a Message to the Community in order to address or explain certain things that need to be said to you guys so we can work together.

Q&A's: These will happen on the first week of every month (the day is yet to be determined). There will be a form that is going to be made and distributed by myself and the other Liaison executives where you will be able to ask questions and they will be answered in these Q&A's. Also FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] will be posted next month and will be available to the public to see those questions and answers. Anything that cannot be addressed publicly or privately will also be posted on the forums so that you guys don't ask those same questions and the forms don't get cluttered with these questions.

Public Relations: There will be a form made for PR which will be distributed to the entire community. This form will be mainly used to gather information from various servers and people in order to address topics or concerns in these newsletters. This will also help me see what the community is wanting to know or be informed of and will also help me when the Q&A's are held.

Staff Relations: There will be a form made for SR which will be distributed to the entire community. This form will be mainly used to gather information from various servers and people in order to see any concerns or issues with Staff/High Command+/Clans. This form will also be used to address serious topics whether it be in staff meetings or in these newsletters.

All information from these forms will remain anonymous and only the Directors+ will have access to these forms and see responses.

Further Announcements:

Drama in our community:

I can't stress this enough but when posting things on the forums please be aware of what your saying and how your saying it. It's fine to post your opinions and what you want within the community but it needs to remain respectful and if it's denied please do not re-post the thread again. That's an easy way to get banned on the forums. Things take time and patience, we aren't going to rush things because people want it. We need to make sure that everything works properly and that there wont be any major issues. The executives do their best to help when needed but you have to understand that we are busy with our own personal tasks and we may not get to everyone in time. Starting drama because there is something a majority of you want will not make that thing come any faster. It will actually slow it down because I first need to deal with the huge amount of issues being caused by these posts and until that is done, nothing is going to happen. For future reference, before you make a post about what you "think is going on" please be informed about what you're talking about. A lot of the times you misinformation can cause huge problems down the line. If it does not come from the HA's+, Executives, or Director+ consider it false.

Lying about information:

If there is not a recording or post where the HA+, Executives, or Director+ do not consider it to be true. There have been many situations, even some involving me, where people used my name or someone who is an HA+ to tell others that what they were saying is correct or to further their own agenda. This is not okay and by no means tolerable. If you are found out doing this you will be punished and banned. There is no place in this community for this type of behavior whatsoever.

Message to the Community:

Please make sure that you guys are involving yourselves with these new systems that are being put in place in order for your opinions to be addressed on a much larger scale. These systems are here know because of the amount of people who have felt like we don't hear you guys enough. We hear you loud and clear and know it's up to you to take advantage of these things and progress forward. However, keep it respectful, peaceful, and don't try and put a target on someones back.

Thank you for reading this and have a good day.
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