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New steam name requirements.


💎 Undisputed
IRP Head Admin
Game Master Lead
Forum Moderator
TeamSpeak Moderator
weird, ive seen other communities do this and it makes sense and it's worked, after seeing it, however, I can say it does look more appealing.
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From this point forward all staff are to have their steam names as the following format

Name IFN.GG.

So for example, I will have; Dyno IFN.GG

This is a requirement for ALL staff (including Rust) and executives, and replaces the old [IFN] Name [Rank] format.

Hopefully you are all happy with this change!

To the server leadership team, please make sure that this is relayed to all staff!

To explain: IFN.GG is a domain name, and links to icefuse.net
Yes now de fellas all agree to dis ini


Im not to effected by this (as i previously had it in my name) however i am curious is there any specific reason for this requirement?