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New Personnel Department Team [Mentor Team]

Mentor Team
I am happy to announce the return of a team that a lot of people have been asking for. The Mentor Team is the newest addition to the Personnel Department that will help with the quality of training incoming staff members as well as ensuring the correct policies are being enforced within every staff rank. Nobody should feel embarrassed or felt left behind because they don't have a support system. The mentor team will help make this easier for the Server Leadership team.

This is the first time the Personnel Department will fully hold a team other than the staff team within it's department so we ask for patience and understanding as we are now following a new environment within the team that honestly should have been there from the beginning. Any feedback will be given to your Server Leadership team as the Mentor team will be filled up within the next couple of weeks/months.

What is the Mentor Team?
The Mentor team is a team made up of Senior Mod+ who's sole purpose is to train new incoming staff members, training newly promoted staff members, and helping other staff members who may need help regardless of rank and time within the staff team. They will be pulled to train in new staff members and volunteer/assigned to train staff members who are promoted after the staff/global meetings on Friday. As well as keeping up to date with their mentees and helping them along the way.

Another aspect is helping staff members throughout their time within the Staff team not just their T-Mod phase. This is why Mentors will also be tasked with helping individuals across their staff team when asked and/or needed to. It will be designed to always be a place to where questions/support can be given as a lot of times Server Leadership can't be there for every single staff member.

COC of the Mentor Team.
1) Mentor Overseer - 1 Globally
2) Mentor Manager - 1 Per Server
3) Mentor Officer - 4 Per Server
4) Mentor - Unlimited

Differences from the Affairs Department.
1) Meeting will be held at 5pm EST on Thursdays right before the HA meeting. (This is to get the Mentors/EA+ input on staff members throughout the week. The more eyes looking the better we can recognize those who deserve promotions that may be otherwise overlooked).
2) Statistics wont be posted weekly. They will be there for personal data keeping but we don't need/want to promote competition. The team is here to help people not chase numbers.
3) There will be no "of the Week."
4) No Lead rank will be implemented.
5) There are no quotas. Just follow the rules, guidelines, and procedures of the team.

What are the requirements to apply for the Mentor Team?
  • Must be a Senior Mod+
When can I apply?
July 2nd, 2021 right after the Global Staff Meeting.
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