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[ImperialRP] Server Rules

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Updated: August 7th, 2023

General Rules:
  1. Do not attack another friendly, ONLY Inner Circle can execute anyone under them in their sectors with valid reason.
  2. This is a serious roleplay server. And as such, all actions must coincide with this and must be done in a roleplay manner. Doing an action that is out of character will have you punished.
  3. Standing and/or sitting on players is FailRP unless for the purpose of boosting.
  4. Not following orders of higher-ups can have you be arrested.
  5. Racism will not be tolerated and will result in a 14-day ban.
  6. Discrimination will not be tolerated in any way.
  7. If PTS is active you must follow it or you will be arrested, Inner Circle+ can interrupt PTS with a valid reason.
  8. Do not destroy other people's tactical insertions.
    a. Tactical insertions may be destroyed if the individual has disconnected from the server, is in restricted areas or where tactical insertions are not permissible.
  9. If you press any alarm or the hyperspace console without proper authorization you will receive a 15 minute jail. Midshipman+ are the only people who can give authorization.
  10. You are not allowed to casually converse in the /advert chat, any casual conversation must be stated in the /OOC chat. When talking about Order 66, you may only mention it in casual conversation and within the context of what you are conversing about.
    a. Adverts should be used exclusively for Officer and above giving orders and for tryouts.
  11. You must wait 3 days before transferring between battalions or you will be globally blacklisted and set as a Storm Trooper for 7 days.
  12. Only on Defcon 1 are security clearances null and void. (This excludes areas that require level 6 access.)
  13. Official Guards may only KOS (Kill On-Site) if their V.I.P is attacked.
    a. If no Official Guards are available, High Command may KOS (Kill On Site) if attacked, but if they have an Official Guard accompanying them, they may not exercise their KOS (Kill On Site) permissions.
  14. ISB, Black Operations, Naval Black Operations, Execution Squad, Inquisitorius and Guardsmen have KOS (Kill On Site) permissions during interrogations, both in and outside of events.
  15. Guardsmen & Death Troopers have KOS (Kill On Site) permission if attacked.
    a. Guardsmen may also KOS if someone trespasses into Vader's Chambers / The Emperor's Throne Room.
  16. You may not enter any bunk that is not your own without the highest officer's permission. Major General and above (and equivalent) can enter their own sector's bunks for any reason at any time.
    1. Shock may enter any bunk or restricted area for the purpose of persuing an active AOS. (Does not apply to throne room and chambers)
  17. Inquisitorius+ may Force Choke, but not kill, friendlies that are being disrespectful or directly attacking them.
    a. They may kill within the Purge Troopers.
  18. Taking knowledge between your whitelists is considered Metagaming and FailRP, for example:
    a. Witnessing RDM on a Naval / Darkside, and then switching to a Shock Trooper whitelist to arrest them.
    b. Witnessing disrespect on a trooper whitelist, and instead of RAOSing, you change to your Naval Officer whitelist to AOS them.
    c. The above are just EXAMPLES, please use common sense on this issue.
  19. All names must only be limited to 2 subdivisions/specializations (e.g. Shock BSM OS COL John)
  20. When using the slap SWEP, the first slap is out of character, and after a warning, the next slap is actionable (KOS/AOS).
    a. Official Guards may KOS/AOS after one slap if it is on/by the Emperor.
  21. No tryouts or training can be held during server-wide events, tryouts and training however can still be held during battalion specific events.
    a. If a tryout has started you may finish it but you may not start a new session/tryout/training.
  22. BO/NBO members may not be apart of multiple BO/NBO squads at the same time.
Claiming Rules:
  1. SGT+ equivalent can claim Sim Rooms.
  2. Must "/advert (Your battalion) claims (Location)". (RANK IS IRRELEVANT WHILST DOING THIS! MUST BE /advert.)
    a. The first person to advert gets the claim, rank does not overrule.
  3. Can only have a claim for a maximum of 1 hour. (cooldown of 20 minutes before claiming again after the 1 hour time limit expires, unless Head Administrator and and above allows.)
  4. If you do not leave a claimed area that is not yours the person with the claim may call an AOS if you do not leave after vocal warnings.
    a. If there is a person who is AFK ask staff to move them, you may not AOS them for being AFK.
  5. Rules regarding the placement of tactical insertions within a sim room are made by the sim room claimant.
  6. Any battalion (i.e. Purge, 501st, etc.) can only have one area claimed at a time.
  7. Application-based Commander+ can claim any sim room for themselves.
    a. Must “/advert I claim (Location)”
  8. Claimant must be inside the room you are attempting to claim in order to claim it. For example, a 501st SGT cannot claim a Sim Room while in bunks.
  9. If a sim room was previously claimed, however, the party who claimed said room is not currently inside that sim room rendering it not in use, then that sim room is available to be claimed.
    a. This does not mean the claim expires upon the owner leaving the room, however, just that another group may claim the room if it is not in use by the party that initially claimed it. "Not in use" means that there are no current active members of the simulation within the sim room.
    b. Keep in mind this does not apply to simulations where the original person who claimed it is killed within the sim and is running back to the sim room from their spawn area. For example, the sim owner calls a "free for all" in a Sim Room, and another user kills them within the simulation only to claim the room for themselves immediately afterward. This behavior is strictly prohibited and considered FailRP.
  10. Death Star/Star Destroyer Main Hangar Bay can ONLY be claimed by Admiral+/Lieutenant General+/Emperor's Hand+.
  11. Unknown Desert Planet and Space Station may be claimed by SMB+ and equivalent.
  12. Hoth may be claimed by SMB+ and equivalent, the claim must be made with permission from the highest ranking online Scout Trooper or higher.
  13. FFA's are restricted to Sim Rooms and B-19.
Security Clearance Rules:
  1. Official Guards have the same security clearance as the person they are protecting. However when not protecting they have a security clearance of their designated rank.
  2. A higher security clearance does not mean you have more authority than someone you are still to follow the Imperial Hierarchy.
  3. While working in groups or marching the group may follow someone who may have a higher security clearance if they happen to enter an area they would not normally be permitted to enter.
    a. Person the group is following must consent to this.
  4. Everyone must follow security clearances, the only exceptions are Icefuse Executives and the Division Leader of Imperial.
    1. (a) Jumptroopers are exempt from the clearance level restrictions of Rafters during DEFCON 3 and above.
    2. (b) Scout troopers are exempt from the clearance level restrictions of Rafters during DEFCON 3 and above.
    3. (c) ISB exempt from the clearance level restrictions of Rafters and SFC.

Defcon Rules:
DEFCON 1 - Evacuate (through Main Hangar Bay)
DEFCON 2 - Defend (High Command / Bridge)
DEFCON 3 - Battlestations (Weapons out OFF safety)
DEFCON 4 - High Alert (weapons ON safety)
DEFCON 5 - Normal Duties (Weapons away OR on safety)
  1. Defcons can only be called by Midshipsman+.
  2. The highest Officer online may call Defcons when no Naval Midshipman or above is available.
Debrief Rules:
  1. XO+ and equivalent may call Debriefs/Optional Promotion Ceremonies.
    a. MSM+ may call and host Debriefs/Optional Promotion Ceremonies.
    b. Commanders or above may call Mandatory Promotion Ceremonies for the battalion/branch they command/oversee.
  2. The use of "go up one" is prohibited in promotions in Debrief.
    a. In the case where ranks are kept private you may use an encrypted message or [Redacted].
  3. You cannot use any sweps or gestures other than the SaIute swep whilst Debrief is active. Doing so is arrestable for Disrespect.
  4. Navy take full priority in hosting after Event Debrief
  5. PTS is active in all Debrief Ceremonies, breaking PTS will result in an instant arrest to anyone without the correct authorization
    a. Inner Circle+ members and above may break PTS at any point for a valid reason.
    b. Shock Troopers may break PTS via Local chat to give an order to an individual to maintain order in the Debrief.
  6. During Debrief Ceremonies all weapons must be away unless you are Shock Troopers, Darksiders, Nova Trooper, Navy Trooper, Security Droids, Black Operations, Death Troopers and Royal Guard.
  7. You cannot leave debrief once you are in it unless you are:
    a. No one is to Leave Debrief for any RP reason if Emperor Palpatine is present.
    b. Dismissed by the person hosting the debrief.
    c. Excused by your Major General or equivalent.
    d. Training a Cadet.
    e. Staff reasons.
    f. Nova and Shock Troopers are allowed to station one trooper at their respective guarding stations.
  8. No tactical insertions within the confines of Debrief.
Naval Rules:
  1. Navy has full control over the Star Destroyer operations.
  2. Navy Officers may ask anyone to leave any Naval-based area with valid reason and may issue an AOS if they are ignored/defied. A higher ranked Navy Officer, Naval High Command, or Inner Circle may override this.
  3. The only people allowed on the Bridge are those with Security Clearance Level 6+.
    a. High Command and Naval Sector are exempt from this clearance level.
  4. The only people allowed in the Reactor Room are those with Security Clearance Level 4+.
    a. Engineers and Shock Troopers are exempt from this clearance level.
  5. The only people allowed in the SFC are those with Security Clearance Level 5+.
  6. The only people allowed in the TIE Bays are those with Security Clearance Level 3+.
  7. Anyone can enter any of these areas if searching for / fighting a hostile during DEFCON 3 and below.
  8. Anyone with an official Pilot License issued through the Naval pilot process can fly.
Arrest On Sight Rules:
  1. SMB+ and equivalent can AOS with proper reason.
    a. Must "/advert AOS <Battalion> <Offender> | <Reason> | <Last known location>"
  2. ST #### - CSM and equivalent can RAOS with proper reason.
    a. Must "/advert RAOS <Battalion> <Offender> | <Reason> | <Last known location>"
  3. Any Shock can AOS with proper reason regardless of rank.
  4. All AOS' must have a valid reason, AOSing for no reason will result in punishment.
  5. Inner Circle cannot be AOSed and instead should be reported to staff.
  6. Staff has the final say about all AOSes.
  7. Failure to follow security clearance levels is considered trespassing and will result in AOS.
Chat Rules:
  1. /advert - RP Chat that can only be used by SGT+ equivalent, Naval, or for roleplay actions.
  2. Advert should only be utilized for announcements, orders, DEFCONs, claiming areas, sims, tryouts, and roleplay actions.
  3. Advert can be used by event jobs if authorized by a Game Master+, even whilst comms are down.
  4. /comms - RP Chat that can be used by all players regardless of rank.
    a. If comms are down NO ONE can use comms.
    b. Comms are used for roleplay communications between Enlisted and NCOs.
    c. Comms can be used by event jobs if the GameMaster says you can, even whilst comms are down.
  5. /OOC or /looc is only to be used for out of character purposes
    a. Cannot disrespect players or battalions.
    b. OOC Disrespect is considered a staff issue and should only be dealt with by staff.
    c. Cannot use racism or discriminate.
Roleplay Rules:
  1. Respect and listen to your superiors.
  2. Stay In Character, normal chat, whisper, yell, radio, advert, and comms are considered In Character chats.
    a. Breaking In Character chat or metagaming is FailRP.
  3. No ERP (Erotic Roleplay) is permitted on the server ever. This includes ALL Voice and text chats.
    a. Any form of sexual content in OOC unrelated to in-game is ALSO forbidden
  4. You must ask permission to enter any type of Bunks, by the highest member of that group.
    a. Shock may chase an AOS that enters bunks without permission.
  5. Whitelists are limited to 1 Army, 1 Naval, 1 Dark Side, 1 Guardsman and 1 Roleplay Sector life PER PERSON, Honorary Ranks do not count.
FailRP Rules:
  1. Standing and/or sitting on players is FailRP.
  2. Talking about Out of Character (OOC) things in RP is FailRP.
  3. The only location where you can speak Out of Character (OOC) is in the OOC Cantina.
  4. Do not salute or bow during a combat situation or on Defcon 4 and below.
    a. You may salute or bow whilst in a Forward Operating Base.
  5. Using a lore name is forbidden.
    a. Executive Officer+, lore squad members, Guardsmen LT+, Navy Captain+, and lore characters are exempt from this rule.
  6. Jumping down an elevator shaft whilst it is stationary or moving is considered FailRP.
  7. Jumping over or on top of someone's head is FailRP.
  8. Jumping from high places is FailRP.
    a. Guardsmen, Force users, Jump Troopers and Server Leadership are exempt from this.
    b. Black Operations and Naval Black Operations may rappel from high places in roleplay.
    Vice Admiral of NBO and Major General of BO may also rappel.
    d. Storm Commandos may repel from MHB rafters
    e. NST may repel while guarding a VIP if their VIP repels
    f. Shock may repel when chasing an AOS or guarding a VIP
    g. ExSquad may repel when guarding a VIP
    h. Torrent Company may repel when guarding a VIP
  9. You CANNOT sit or stand on anything you normally would not in real life, such as rails, holograms, lamps, people, etc.
  10. You CANNOT roleplay that your blaster is set to stun unless it is an actual stun gun.
  11. You Cannot "strip weapons and comms" of anyone UNLESS the person target surrenders or the target is surrounded on all fours. If the target happens to be surrounded, you may not strip if they are firing/have their weapon ignited. One of the four individuals attempting to "strip weapons and comms" must roll above a 50. If you fail to out-roll the target three times, then you may not roll again and the action is a complete fail. If the target has surrendered, you do not need to roll and only use the bind.
  12. Baton abuse (hitting anyone with a baton once or more with no intent to arrest) is considered an arrestable offense.
    a. Baton abuse will result in the removal of your whitelist.
  13. Throwing smoke grenades, thermal detonators, flashbangs or activating any sort of explosive around the ISD for no reason, accidentally or not, will result in an immediate arrest.
    a. Throwing these said grenades in simulations and in events with proper reason are allowed.
  14. It is FailRP to heal yourself with a medkit while you are being shot or running.
    a. Must be taking cover and not in immediate combat.
    b. If you are healing another player you must both be taking cover and not in immediate combat.
  15. Guards may Kill On Site if their VIP is attacked.
  16. Ordnance Specialist (OS) personnel may order anyone below the rank of Commander to evacuate the area if there is a bomb present.
  17. Tactical Insertions may not be placed in the air and must be placed on the ground.
  18. Spamming or pressing an elevator button while the elevator is already in motion intentionally is considered FailRP and is an arrestable offense.
FearRP Rules:
  1. You are supposed to act like you only have one life at any time, do not uselessly throw away your life.
  2. If you are clearly outnumbered, you are not allowed to take hostile action.
    a. Being outnumbered by NPCs is exempt.
  3. Breaking of FearRP is classed as FailRP and can result in an arrest.
    The following jobs do not fall under FearRP:
    • Black Operations
    • Naval Black Operations
    • Event Jobs (At Game Master's discretion)
    • Guardsmen
  4. FearRP does not apply if you're the escort of a VIP (e.g. Guardsmen escorting the Grand Vizier)
    a. If the VIP tells you to stand down you must obey and from then on will fall under FearRP.
Prop Limits & Whitelist Rules:
  1. Each bunk can have up to 2 props. This includes text screens.
  2. The Interrogation Room can have up to 20 props. This includes text screens.
  3. The Medical Bay can have 25 props. The Engineering Bay may have 20 props. These all include text screens.
  4. Palpatine's Throne Room and Darth Vader's Chamber may have as many props as the Division Leader allows.
  5. No props that are larger than 65 x 65 units.
  6. No expansions can be made to bunks or conjoining of bunks of any kind (Implementing a large prop and cutting the prop into another bunk or area.)
Bunk Check Rules:
  1. Only ISB and Navy may enforce bunk checks. (ISB and Naval may set their own rank requirements for this.)
  2. In order to enact a bunk check, ISB or Navy must have permission from the highest Officer in the battalion they are checking at the time.
  3. Once permission is granted for a bunk check, ISB and Navy have full authority over that branch and their players even if higher in rank.
  4. A bunk check can last no longer than 15 minutes.
  5. ISB and Navy are only allowed to detain players if it is valid within roleplay.
  6. During the bunk check, the host of the bunk check can institute any rules during the bunk check time as long as it falls within Server rules.
    a. Anyone caught breaking the rules set by ISB or Navy may be arrested for Disobeying Orders.
  7. The only ones allowed to cancel any ongoing or future bunk checks are that Battalion's Commander, or the Major General+ from that regiment.
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