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[General Rules]
  • All members/users who connect to our TeamSpeak Server located at ts3.icefuse.net are subject to all terms, rules, restrictions, and guidelines stated and outlined in this agreement and all policies and TOS set forth on our Forums.
  • All users who have elevated permissions on TeamSpeak, must not kick, remove ranks or ban without proper reason.
  • Music Bots must be assigned the "Music Bot" server group.
  • Users must use the same name in TeamSpeak as you use on our server(s) Forums and Discords.
  • TeamSpeak Rules always have precedence over channel rules, and channel rules may never override TeamSpeak rules.
  • The 5-second rule states you MUST wait 5 seconds before speaking when entering a channel.
    • Violation of this rule in Head Admin+ channels may result in a temporary ban.
    • The 5-second rule is active in all channels
  • Any form of Pornography, Sexual Suggestive content, Threats to other members of the community or yourself, Suicide or self harm discussion, Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Harassment, Gore, Malicious links, Pirated content, Malicious Programs, Leaking Personal Info or anything else that is considered harmful to the community or towards a person or group in anyway is strictly prohibited in TeamSpeak and users will be punished severely for breaking this rule.
    • Including locked channels.
    • All content on the TeamSpeak must be appropriate for all ages.
  • Respect all players & staff alike (Friendly banter is fine, clear disrespect is not).
  • Do not harass, attack, cause unnecessary drama, or threaten any members of our community.
  • Do not send links to cheat websites, IP Grabbers, Porn websites, Phishing websites, Screaming links, or anything that can harm the user's computer or could be considered malicious, inappropriate, or ill intent.
  • Do not release personal information about any member of our community without their explicit given consent.
  • Do not use our community or any of our services as a platform to advertise anything, unless explicitly agreed to by a Network Director or above.
  • All names and text on TeamSpeak must be valid english alphabetical characters and numbers, any illegal or unreadable and unsearchable characters are not allowed in any form of text.
    • Example: (!_____________________Name) is not allowed.
    • Users are not allowed to put characters or letters in front of their name to go above others in the channel. [I.E "!Corvezeo"]
  • Do not spam in any regard (Chat, Poke, Voice, Voice changers, Music, Soundboards, channel switching, etc.)
  • Do not attempt to circumvent any punishment given.
    • This will result in an escalated punishment on all accounts.
  • Do not use any form of a "Mass Mover" or "No Mover" in teamspeak unless you have permission from a Director
    • Mass moving is defined as moving 5+ users at one time.
    • Explicit permission is granted by a Director or the C.E.O
  • Any form of "Mass Poking" or "Mass Private Messaging" is strictly forbidden.
    • Explicit permission is granted by a Director or the C.E.O
  • Only Trainers/Staff members may have a server specific server group.
    • Eg. A clone wars staff member having the "Clone Wars" group.
  • Do not break CoC (Chain of command), this may result in a temporary ban.
  • Users may only wait in a Head Admin’s+ waiting room if they need that Head Admin+ for a reason related to their rank. Do not wait in a waiting room for no reason or to just talk to the channel owner unless the channel owner requests you to wait there.
  • Do not join a channel with the purpose of trolling or generally disrupting the general conversation of the channel discussion.
  • All Battalions/Companies/Organizations/Staff must use our TeamSpeak as the main communication service when playing on our servers. Discord(s), etc. shall not be used.
  • Any member found giving tags they are not allowed or authorized to give out will be striped of tags.
  • All disciplinary actions made on TeamSpeak by any user must be logged in the TeamSpeak Disciplinary log on the Forums.
    • Channel kicks do not need to be logged.
      • Any abuse of channel Admin/OVS and Officer/Commander will not be tolerated.
  • Use of mass removing or adding channel groups is not allowed.
  • Use of server/channel group hotkeys is strictly forbidden. Anyone using these Hotkeys will result in a 6-month ban.​

[Recording Rules]
  • Do not record with the built in TS3 recording software.
    • Head Admin+ may use the TS3 recording software in meeting rooms for the purpose of recording an interview.
  • Do not record in any channel designated as a Meeting Room without prior authorization from the channel manager.
    • This rule does not apply towards department-based Meeting Rooms.
    • This rule does not prohibit a user from recording/capturing conduct which may be in violation of any of our rules or Terms of Service.

[Channel Rules]
  • Always follow channel codes.
    • If a channel has no channel code and is locked, you may not join without permission from a Channel Admin+
  • Do not join channel(s) in which you are not supposed to be in.
  • If you are kicked from a channel you are not allowed to join back unless you have consent from the Channel Admins/Officers+.
  • Channel VIPs can only be assigned in HA+ channels.
  • There are restrictions on the amount of Channel Admins, and Overseers:
  • Do not give out channel passwords unless given permission from the channel admins.
  • Do not loiter in any rooms that have a specific purpose if you are not currently using that channel with that said purpose.
  • Music Bots & Soundboards are only allowed in private channels or battalion channels.
    • Must have Channel Admin/Officer+ permission.
  • If a Channel Admin+ asks you to leave the channel, you must comply.
    • If you break any Channel Rules a Channel Admin/Officer+ has the authority to kick or remove you from the channel.
  • Private Channels do not exclude any user from following the outlined TeamSpeak Rules.
  • Emoticons are not allowed to be placed in channel names.
  • Sub Channels or Waiting Rooms for HA+ must be "Open" and Unlocked at all times.
    • Sub Channels or Waiting Rooms for HA+ may not be "Owned" or "Controlled" by anyone and must have "Waiting Room" in the channel name.
  • Head Admin+ channels can not have a channel code that restricts a rank higher than themselves to join.
    • Eg. a Head Admin can not have a channel code that restricts a Sector Lead from joining, however they can have a channel code that restricts other Head Admins from joining.
  • Users that are Channel Muted or Channel Banned must be listed as such within the channel description of the channel in which the tag is assigned. To satisfy the requirements of this rule, the channel description must contain a clickable link of the user using the "URL=client://" syntax, the date of issuance for the mute or ban, as well as a reason.
  • A Channel Admin, Channel Overseer, Channel Commander or Channel Officer may issue the Channel Muted channel group.
  • A Channel Designee or Channel Commander may request that a user is Channel Banned from a channel of which they have authority over.
  • A user who is Channel Banned or Channel Muted from a personal channel (i.e. Server Leadership or Network Executives) may only appeal their sanction with the Channel Designee of the channel. An official appeal process will not be offered on the forums.
  • A user who is Channel Banned or Channel Muted from a roleplay channel may only appeal their sanction with the Division Leader of the server for that respective channel. An official appeal process will not be offered on the forums.
  • A user cannot be Channel Banned or Channel Muted from a channel which is not either a personal, roleplay or event channel. For example, a user cannot be sanctioned from the following types of channels:
    • Meeting Rooms
    • Departmental Rooms (i.e. Human Resources, Recruitment, Game Master, Trainer, etc.)
    • Public Rooms (i.e. Gaming Rooms)
    • Staff Communication Rooms

[Permissions / Restrictions]
  • Head Admin to Division Leaders
    • They can:
      • Moderate their own server’s channels.
      • Channel breach their own servers channels.
        • Abuse of this will not be tolerated.
      • Ban, kick, jail, sticky or mute users for breaking rules in their server’s section.
      • Revoke or give Channel Officer+ in roleplay channels in their server’s section.
      • Break Channel Codes in their server’s section with a valid reason.
      • Pull their own server members or staff with reason.
        • Members or staff from different servers must be asked before being pulled.
          • Unless the Head Admin+ is doing a task for a specific team. E.G. TeamSpeak mod.
    • They cannot:
      • Appeal any TeamSpeak jails, stickies, mutes or bans.
      • Directly ban staff members without TS Managers+ approval.
        • Unless it is a member of their own Staff team.

[TeamSpeak Moderation Team]
  • TeamSpeak Moderators and TeamSpeak Administrators
    • They have the overall authority on TeamSpeak.
    • They can:
      • Kick, Ban, Jail, Mute or sticky any user aside from executives with reason.
      • Strip any tag or channel group of any user aside from executives with reason.
      • Channel breach and break channel codes in any channel aside from executive channels if they need to investigate any user or if they believe rules are being broken in said channel.
      • Veto moderation decisions made by any user aside from executives and other TeamSpeak Mods with reason and may take over any moderation situation if needed.
      • Edit any channel or users description aside from executives with reason.
      • Delete any inappropriate content.
      • Appeal jails, stickies or mutes.
      • Directly ban staff members without TS Managers+ approval. [ADMINS ONLY]
    • They cannot:
      • Directly ban staff members without TS Managers+ approval. [MODERATORS ONLY]
      • Assume, or create any TeamSpeak rules.
      • Moderate any Executives or their channels.
      • Appeal any TeamSpeak bans.

  • TeamSpeak Manager
    • They have the overall authority on TeamSpeak and other TeamSpeak Moderators
    • They can:
      • Kick, Ban, Jail, Mute or sticky any user aside from executives with reason.
      • Strip any tag or channel group of any user aside from executives with reason.
      • Channel breach and break channel codes in any channel aside from executive channels if they need to investigate any user or if they believe rules are being broken in said channel.
      • Veto moderation decisions made by any user aside from executives with reason and may take over any moderation situation if needed.
      • Edit any channel or users description aside from executives with reason.
      • Delete any inappropriate content.
      • Appeal jails, stickies or mutes.
      • Directly ban staff members.
      • Issue Channel Blacklists in Roleplay & Personnel channels
    • They cannot:
      • Assume, or create any TeamSpeak rules.
      • Moderate any Executives or their channels.
      • Appeal any Executive TeamSpeak bans or bans above 6 months.
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