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Huge Affairs Changes

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Hello everyone! For those that did not attend the Global Staff meeting or for those that are not staff, here are the most recent and biggest changes made to the Affairs Department.

  • The Intelligence Program and GameMaster Program were moved to the Personnel Department, this only affects the people that are in charge of it so not much will change in terms of the grunt work until the Personnel Department decides to change anything.
  • There was a new rank added to the Mentorship Program and Recruitment Program, this rank is the "Senior Member" position which is between a team member and a team officer, more details will be brought up during the Affairs meetings on September 1st.
  • Finally directly to Star Wars Universe, the Mentor team is now officially open on the Star Wars Universe server, since Melons is already on Star Wars Universe he will obviously be overseeing the team for the time being until there is a good manager to replace him.
Loving the senior member for mentor and recruitment :) hopefully it helps a lot and motivates people to recruit and be better mentors.


Farm Animal
Would like to see what making GM and Intel apart of Personel actually does... Can only wait and see.
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