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December Competition (Everyone except Executives!!!)

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#PigeonSquad #LetsGetThatBread #Squak #PigeonGang #Turp #PigeonRPBetterThenBirdRP #PigeonSimulator2019(Ahead of its time) #(NewPigeonEmote)
Best Meme Submission:

The Empire Strikes Back The Pigeons Strikes Back!
#PigeonSquad #LetsGetThatBread #Squak #PigeonGang #Turp #PigeonRP
#PigeonRPBetterThenBirdRP #PigeonSimulator2019(Ahead of its time) #(NewPigeonEmote)
#TheUlmightyPigeon #PigeonGang4Life #PigeonForLife #RiseAndGrindPigeons
#ReturnOfThePigeons #PigeonWars #ReturnOfThePigeon #PhantomPigeon #PigeonsOfOldRupblic
#PigeonsAweakens #ANewPigeon #TheLastPigeon #DeathOfAPigeon #DuleOfThePigeons


Again thanks so much for the people who participated.
this started out as a harmless joke when almost no one was on, by simply sitting on the Ethereal Empires wall,
while there wassent many people on the server since we warrant allowed to cross it (Pigeon Simulator was created...).
from there on it took a life of its own, as more and more people joined in...

I take no responsibility for any of the Pigeons who may or may not have been harmed during event.
and it just became such a massive thing out of nowhere. so i would like to again thank all who participated,
and all who helped with the #'s. the goal of this was not as much as an entry into the December composition,

as much as it was to spread awareness of the Pigeon Gang. so yar feel free to leave a comment of your own
squads Pigeon gang. and help spread awareness of bread and crumbs they may need Pigeon or two clean it up.
#PigeonGang - Stay Awesome guys - Also is that BREADDD???! BREAAAADDD!!!! :O :3
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