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[CWRP] Roleplay Rules and Regulations

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Section 1: Hierarchy
High Jedi General** (Director+)
Senior Republic General** (Executive/DVL)
Republic General** (Head Admin)

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Red Guards**

Admiral /=\ Grand Master /=\ Marshal Commander /=\ Vice Chairman**
Vice Admiral /=\ Master of the Order /=\ Jedi Advisor /=\ /=\ Senior Commander
Rear Admiral /=\ Senior Council /=\ Regimental Commander
Commodore /=\ Jedi Master/Jedi General/Jedi Overseer/=\ Battalion Commander /=\ Squad Lead /=\ Senate Commandos+** /=\ Senators**

Captain /=\ Jedi Knight VIII+ /=\ Executive Officer / Commander /=\ Republic Commando
Commander /=\ Jedi Knight VII /=\ Colonel
Lieutenant Commander /=\ Jedi Knight VI /=\ Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant /=\ Jedi Knight V /=\ Major /=\
Jedi Knight IV /=\ Captain
Lieutenant Junior Grade /=\ Jedi Knight III /=\ First Lieutenant
Ensign /=\ Jedi Knight II /=\ Second Lieutenant
Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class /=\ Jedi Knight I /=\ Sergeant Major of the Battalion**

Chief Warrant Officer /=\ Command Sergeant Major
Warrant Officer /=\ Sergeant Major
First Sergeant

Master Chief Petty Officer /=\ Master Sergeant
Senior Chief Petty Officer /=\ Sergeant First Class
Staff Sergeant

Chief Petty Officer /=\ Jedi Padawan/Initiate /=\ Sergeant
Petty Officer 1st Class /=\ Corporal
Petty Officer 2nd Class /=\ Lance Corporal
Crewman /=\ Private First Class
Cadet /=\ Jedi Youngling /=\ Private /=\ CT /=\ RC TRNE** /=\ Senate Commando TRNE**
Clone Recruit

Section 2: Clearance Levels (Location access only)
Level 6 - The Office of the Supreme Chancellor ~ Clone General+

Level 5 - Senior Commander Equivalent+ ~ Senator+ ~ Senate Commando+

Level 4 - Battalion Commander Equivalent+ ~ RO+ ~ ST+ ~ TG+ ~ Republic Commando

Level 3 - Officer+ ~ Knight+ ~ ARC+

Level 2 - NCO+ ~ Padawan+

Level 1 - Enlisted+

Level 0 - CT ~ Youngling ~ Cadet

Republic Intelligence holds Clearance Level 4 if they are NOT performing an investigation.
  • When Republic Intelligence is performing an official investigation they hold Clearance Level 5.

Section 3: Exceptions/Special Privileges
Republic Commando
Internal (All orders given from the following must be followed):
  • Chancellor
  • Marshal
  • SOB
  • RC REG
  • All RC SLs

External (All orders given from the following must be followed unless ordered to by someone within the Internal Republic Commando Hierarchy):
  • Military Intelligence (RI and Senators involved in the Intel and Defense committees)
  • All other Clone REG+ and the respective equivalencies with Jedi at the bottom.
Republic Operations
  • Have full authority within Generator Room, Medical Bay, Armory, Republic Ops HQ, and Venator.
  • During a Defcon 5 or below scenario if someone is attempting to secure a member of Republic Ops and that Republic Ops has a valid reason to not enter into that forces protection, they reserve the right to deny the order. (Example, Shock Troopers order a Base Ops Engineer from Engine Room to the Third Floor to ensure his safety, Engineer denies the order as his duty is to repair the generators at any cost)
  • Republic Operations has the highest priority in calling DEFCONs, followed by the highest commander+ online.
  • Republic Ops always have priority in Granting PTE/PTLs as well as Take Off/Landings, only when no Republic Ops are active can ST/REG+, After two minutes of no response, anyone may land/takeoff.
  • Republic Ops have priority in hosting Bunk Inspections, ST/REG+ must have a RO with them to host.
Shock Troopers
  • Have full authority within Brig.
  • May enter any part of the base on suspicion of trespassing regardless of rank, including bunks.
  • May not be ordered by a superior outside of Shock Trooper chain of command to arrest or unarrest without proper reason & evidence.
  • May not be ordered by a superior outside of the Shock Trooper chain of command to abandon any Shock Trooper duties, such as manning a post, dealing with an AOS or arrest, etc.
  • Can AOS any rank higher than them with valid reason.
Temple Guard
  • Have full authority within the Jedi Temple.
  • Can AOS any rank higher than them with a valid reason.
Red Guard
  • Act as an extension of the Chancellor's will, and are to be treated with respect as if the party in question was speaking with the Chancellor himself.
  • Red Guards may KOS [Kill On Sight] anyone that attacks them or a VIP.
    • They may also KOS/AOS any individual without clearance who tresspasses the Chancellor’s Endor office or the senate building.
  • Red Guard reserve the right to AOS Marshal Commander (equivalents) and below if it pertains to the Chancellor's Office.
  • May respect orders from Republic Ops, Clones, Jedi, or Senators based on the situation, but are not required to obey any orders from anyone but the Chancellor himself.
  • Red Guards hold the authority to order anyone as if the order comes from the Chancellor Himself.
  • Under the situation of a VIP or the Red Guard in question being subjected to harm or impending harm, Red Guard reserves full authority to command the imposing party to cease all hostilities, and if disobeyed, reserve the right to KOS and AOS as necessary regardless of either party's rank.
  • Red Guard hold the authority to give orders if needed but should try to observe as the eyes of the Chancellor, they reserve the right to participate in or spectate a conflict as they see fit.
  • Red Guards may only be bound when surrounded by four or more individuals with their weapons drawn. Secondly, they may only be bound in appropriate Roleplay scenarios.
Vice Chairman:
  • The Vice Chairman is an acting member of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor and his orders should be respected as such.

  • Act as guests on a Military base and are to be treated with the utmost respect.
  • During a Defcon 4 - 1 scenario, senators are to be designated as VIPs and have no authority to give orders, they must also obey the orders of the Red Guard, Shock Troopers, Senate Commandos protecting them.
  • During a Defcon 4 - 1 scenario if someone is attempting to secure a member of the Senate and that Senator has a valid reason to not enter into that forces protection, they reserve the right to deny the order.
  • Must stand below the debrief stand below DB. This includes Padme, Bail Organa. The only people who should be up on the stand are members of the Chancellor's Office.
  • It is FailRP for a senator to run away from a Guard.
  • It is required to have at least two guards if a Senator wishes to leave base for any reason.
  • Any Senator arrested with a valid reason whether ON or OFF their senator will be reported to the Vice Chairman who will decide their punishment. If the Vice Chairman is absent, it will fall to Bail Organa, Padme to decide if its a strike or a removal. If its a removal then it shall be brought up to the RPOVS.
  • Senators can be assigned special permissions based on their committee assignments which can be found here
Senate Commandos
  • Act as an extension of the Galactic Senate's will, and are to be treated with respect as if the party in question was speaking with a representative of the Senate.
  • May respect orders from Republic Ops, Clones, Jedi or Senators based on the situation, but are not required to obey any orders from anyone but the Vice Chairman or the Captain of the Red Guard. Regimental CMD+ Equivalents may order them to leave a situation that doesn't involve the Senate or their direct interests and they must follow these orders.
  • May not give orders to anyone unless it pertains to the Senators they are protecting or if they are under direct order and supervision of the Vice Chairman or Chancellor. These orders from any Senate Commando come with the equivalent of a Full Fledge Senate Commando.
  • Any Senate Commando may AOS with the authority of a Full Fledge Senate Commando, however if they are subjected to an AOS they retain their rank in the hierarchy.
  • Senate Commandos are under direct supervision of the Red Guard and the Vice Chairman.
  • If a protectee that an SC is protecting falls under attack (fists or slappers exempt unless the protectee feels attacked or does not consent), Senate Commandos reserve the right to neutralize or drive away the threat by any means required.
  • Given complete authority over senators Defcons 1-4.
  • Senate Commandos may only be bound when surrounded by four or more individuals with their weapons drawn. Secondly, they may only be bound in appropriate Roleplay scenarios.
  • Service Droids may enter the Generator Room at any time regardless of the situation.
  • Medical Droids may enter the Medical Bay at any time regardless of the situation.
Senior Republic Generals (DVL+)
  • Are acting members of the Icefuse Executive team and should be treated with utmost respect befitting of their position.
Republic Generals (HA+)
  • Can give or receive orders in RP in accordance with the server hierarchy. These orders should be reasonable and should not conflict with the orders of high command.
  • Republic Generals should only be used to enforce server rules and are directly beneath the DVL.
  • Can call and host mandatory Debriefs.

Section 4: Specialized Situations
Hostage Negotiations
  • The only battalion/sub-branch that is allowed to take charge of Hostage Negotiations for the following personnel is Wolfpack [104th]:
    • Civilians
    • Clones [All]
    • Allied High Valued Members
  • Senate Commandos are allowed to take charge Hostage Negotiations under the following personnel:
    • Senators
    • Allied Congress and Political Members
  • Senate / Jedi Diplomats are allowed to take charge of Hostage Negotiations under the following personnel:
    • Senators
    • Jedi [All]
    • Force-wielders
      • Senate / Jedi will take over Hostage Negotiations if the Hostage Takers are Sith or Hostile force-wielders.
  • Red Guard has the right to take over any negotiation if it has been ordered by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and/or Vice-Chairman Mas Amedda.
  • ST's sub-unit "Diplomatic Service Unit" [DSU] can take over Senatorial Negotiations only if there is no SC/RG at the scene or online.
    • For DSU to do HRU they have to be trained by Wolfpack for their initial HRU training and then by SC/RG for Senatorial Negotiations. DSU may assist to SC/RG but they must listen to them at all time.
  • Interrogation Priority :
    • Republic Commando
    • Covert Ops ~ Republic Intelligence
    • Alpha ARC
    • Keller's Unit
    • Talon Squad Ghost
    • Loyalty Unit
    • Jedi Shadow ~ Jedi Sage
      • Has priority over force-wielder interrogations
    • Red Guard
    • Senate Commando
  • Republic Commando, Covert Ops, Republic Intelligence, Alpha ARC, Talon Squad Ghost, Loyalty Unit, and Keller's Unit are allowed to conduct interrogations on the following personnel:
    • Enemy High Valued Members
    • Civilians
    • Clones [All]
    • Senators
  • Jedi Shadows and Sages are allowed to conduct Interrogations on the following personnel:
    • Force-wielders
  • Red Guard has the right to take over any Interrogation if it has been ordered by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
  • Senate Commando has the right to take over an interrogation in the event situation where a senator's life was/is in danger
  • TECH Priority List :
    • Republic Commando
    • TECH Officer
    • TECH Personnel
  • EOD Priority:
    • Republic Commando
    • EOC Personnel
    • EOD Officer
    • EOD Personnel
  • 41st Elite Corps has priority and no restriction in translation for any alien species. (Improcco Company can sing "Vode An" and "Dha Werda Verda")
  • 91st Keeli's Company and Twi'lek Freedom Fighters can speak and translate Twi'leki/Ryl and have priority in translation for Twi'leks.
  • Republic Commandos can speak and translate Mando'a and Huttese.
    • Clone Force 99 Tech is able to speak and translate any language
  • Senate Commandos can speak and translate Minnisiat
  • Red Guard can speak and translate Ancient Sith
  • Protocol Droids are able to translate and speak any language

Section 5: Chain of Command and who to listen to
In the case you are given orders by someone who is a higher rank than you (and Officer+), you should listen to them. Regardless of their battalion or sector. No one outside of your CoC can order you to stop performing a battalion specific job/duty, but their order should still be considered and done if possible.
Example 1: A 41st Corporal is given orders by a 501st Officer+, the 41st should follow the orders of the 501st Officer+ unless a 41st+ Officer says otherwise or they have prior orders to follow.
Example 2: The Regimental Commander of Attack tells a Shock Trooper what to do, that order should be followed without question unless the Support Regimental Commander or higher says otherwise.
Example 3: A RO Ensign+ orders a Shock Trooper to go and lock down a location on Base, as long as the Ensign has a valid reason and the reason pertains to either the safety of the Republic or the functionality of the base systems, it should be carried out without question unless a Senior Officer+ in Shock says otherwise. In the case that the Senior Officer had no valid reason to call off the order, they may not override the RO Ensign+. High Command is the only ones able to.

Who has more authority?
Internal = Your Battalion/CoC | External = Not your Battalion/ Not your CoC
External NCO = No Power
Internal Officer > External Officer
Internal Officer < External Senior Officer
Internal Senior Officer > External Senior Officer
Internal Battalion Commander > External Senior Officer
Internal Battalion Commander < External Regimental Commander
Internal Regimental Commander > External Regimental Commander
Internal Regimental Commander < External Senior Commander
Internal Senior Commander > External Senior Commander
Internal Senior Commander < External Marshal Commander

Section 6: Official Arrest Reasons & Arrest Regulations
The arrest reasons below are not necessarily comprehensive. Arrests may be extended for CWRP server rule breaking not listed below explicitly. Baton users and staff may use their discretion in this regard.

Faking Rank
Pressing Buttons (RHQ/GR/Comms)
(SJTAA) Switching Job to Avoid Arrest
Invalid PTS/Promotion
Leaving without PTL
Breaking PTS
(JYWE) Jedi Youngling Without Escort
(DWOD5) Discharging Weapon on Defcon 5
Misuse of Comms
Misuse of Advert
Misuse of Act
Misuse of Sweps
Breaking PTS

FailRP Examples
Jumping off 2nd floor/Surface Hatch
Standing on people's heads
Jumping over shields
Sitting on any object that is not designed to be sat on
Cannot switch to stun rounds to stun people
Cannot tackle anyone
Any action that involves running away or fleeing from being escorted
Incorrect RP Names
Baton abuse
Mic Spam
Force Abuse
Flooding bunks
Encouraging rule breaking
Additional mentioned content in CWRP Server Rules FailRP Section

Section 7: Global Blacklist Policies
Clone/Republic Operations/Jedi Order Sectors
- BCMD+ may blacklist for up to 1 month.
- Reg+ may blacklist for up to 2 months.
- Senior Reg+ may blacklist for up to 4 months.
- Marshal equiv. may blacklist for up to 6 months.
- Anything further must be brought up to the Division Leader.

Galactic Senate
- RG/SC LT+ are allowed to blacklist for up to 1 month.
- RG/SC CPT are allowed to blacklist for up to 3 months.
- Any 6 month blacklists must be brought to the Vice Chairman or Palpatine.
- Anything further must be brought up to the Division Leader.

Section 8: Naming Rules
  • You MUST have your battalion initials/name in your name
  • You do not need to have your battalion initials/name in your name if you are in a subdivision
  • You MUST have your qualifications in your name
  • This only applies if you are not on the whitelist that has that qualification.
  • EG: you MUST have MED in your name if you are NOT on the Medic whitelist for your battalion
  • You MUST have your rank before your Clone Trooper name
  • You are NOT allowed to have numbers in your name
  • Exceptions are for lore characters that DO NOT have a proper name
  • EG: CT-43/002
  • You may have your clone numbers in your name if you are a lore character and do not need a name extension via admin commands
  • EG: 327th Battalion Commander 5052 Bly
  • You MUST follow the following format:
  • “<BATTALION/SUBDIVISION> [Qualifications] <RANK> <NAME>”
  • All titles and abbreviations must be properly capitalized
    a. Correct Example: Jedi General Joe
    b. Incorrect Example: jedi general joe
  • Having unnecessary name extensions who are below the rank of BCMD (e.g. 501st Legion Sharp Shooter Medic sergeant Boris ) through the use of certain staff commands will result in an arrest for failRP.

Section 9: Drama Protocol
  • You are NOT allowed at any circumstance to be the direct cause of drama incidents.
  • Should you be caught causing drama, whether internally or externally, you will be blacklisted from all Clone Battalions/Jedi/RO for 6 months. This may be appealed after 2 weeks has passed.
  • Drama is to be handled by going up the COC if you cannot fix the problem/issue yourself.

Section 10: Promotions Regulations
Promotion Regulations
  • Promotion cooldowns MUST be followed
  • These cooldowns are set by the Division Leader
  • Promotions must be done in a public promotion ceremony or debrief
  • Promotions MUST be logged
  • If they are not logged, it did not happen.
  • Only use music for ARC, RC. Officer+ and lore character promotions.
  • You may not be promoted to your rank. It has to be below you
  • Example: a CPT may only promote to 1stLT
  • Exception: If there is no Commander, the XOs in charge may promote someone to XO after speaking to REG+
Clone Sector
**Regimental Commander+ can approve Officer cool down exceptions**
**Battalion Commander+ can approve NCO Cool down exceptions**

MAJ > COL - May vary for every different battalion.
2nd LT - CPT - May vary for every different battalion.
SMB - May vary for every different battalion.
SGM > CSM- May vary for every different battalion.
MSG > 1SG - May vary for every different battalion.
SGT > SFC- May vary for every different battalion.
PVT - PFC - LCPL - CPL- No cooldown.

Republic Operations
**Rear Admiral+ Can approve cooldown exceptions**

CDR - 14 Days
LCDR - 14 Days
LT - 8 Days
LTJG - 8 Days
ENS - 7 Days
CWO2 - 6+ days
CWO - 6 Days
WO - 5 Days
MCPO - 4 Days
SCPO - 3 days
CPO - 3 Days
PO - N/A
CM - N/A

Jedi Order Cool Downs
**Senior Council+ Can approve cooldown exceptions**

Council - Confidential
Master - Knight 9+, two Padawan Passed, have one current Padawan, 10 trials helped with and voted on by the council
Knight - 1 Week
Padawan - 5 Days with a Master + Trial + be in a BAT/TG,
Youngling - Padawan Trials + Etiquette class

Section 11: Force Powers
Restricted Force Powers:
Channel Hatred - Shadow
Force Slow - Banned against event jobs
Force Choke - Only Anakin and Shadows can use this and for shadows: "Only during interrogations where they aren’t being cooperative”
Force Destruction - Shaak Ti+, Jedi General+ and Palpatine
Force Storm - Shaak Ti+, Jedi General+ and Palpatine
Rage - Shadow
Force Breach - Sentinels

Section 12: Honorary System
Regular Honoraries:

Must have Honorary or H in your name.
  • - Only Major+ may receive honorary.
  • - Must be Major+ for two weeks or longer to become eligible.
  • - Any Honorary must at least be two ranks below their original rank, ex. LTC -> CPT
    - If a person is demoted in another battalion, that may lead to their honorary being removed, if the Commander agrees.
  • - Highest honorary rank should be Colonel.
  • - Cashing in an Honorary will be demoted a minimum of 2 ranks, which is decided by the BCMD, but may go down one if the Regimental approves, along with a two week trial phase.
Subdivision Honoraries:
  • - Removing the ability for Company Honoraries (Ghost Company, 2ndAC, Keller’s Unit etc.) to transfer the honoraries and get a free slot in one of those subdivisions.
  • - They may play on the whitelist but are not allowed to transfer back into that position and must try out again if they wish to join.

Section 13: Reserve System
Reserves are for people who need to take more than 2 weeks off of active duty but have the intentions of returning to their battalion. These people cannot just sit on Reserves forever and will be expected to come back. You have a time frame in which you must return to active duty or be removed completely (Up to 4 months). The most that someone can stay in the reserves is for 4 months (Exceptions can be made by the commander of the branch with Regimental Approval). Any changes regarding reserve time for a player or players made by the Regimental stand if a Commander is replaced. The next Battalion Commander in line may go to the new Regimental Commander if there is one or the Senior Commander.

Must contact an Executive Officer or Battalion Commander of the branch to be taken off of reserves:
  • Going from reserves to active duty might, and in most situations, affect your rank when coming back. This is decided by the high command of the branch.
  • Reserves have until their allotted time to either return to Active Duty or will be removed completely.
  • Your rank holds no real power over any active officers, NCO’s, and Enlisted.
  • An officer may not request back to back reserve status (1-month cooldown from the moment that they come back to active duty. If a serious issue occurred and you must return back to reserves before the cooldown, it must be approved by the CO+.
  • Any officers coming from reserves will be given a 2 week probation period (3 if given a rank within the Battalions Senior Officers).
  • People requesting reserve status must have a valid reason. No one is entitled to be within the reserves and any officer may be denied with a valid excuse from the Battalions Senior Officers.
  • Must have Reserves in your name. (Name format, NO EXCEPTIONS: [Battalion] Reserve *Name*).
  • Examples:
    - 104th Reserve Joe
    - MoH 104th Reserve Joe

Section 14: Official MAU License Rules
An MAU Officer+ may do an MAU tryout

MAU Leads reserve the right to limit or temporarily blacklist (30 days maximum unless extension approved by DVL+) a member from the program under REG+ & SL+ approval.

Any member found minging/RDMing in the vehicles will have their license(s) revoked and possibly arrested.

Any member found using vehicles without a license will be subject to a blacklist from MAU and an arrest. [Event Jobs Excluded].

All High Command may drive any MAU Vehicle without having the licence.

No MAU vehicle may be driven into connector or further into base.

Running people over on purpose will result in a arrest for RDM.

Shooting in non-Sim start areas will result in a arrest to DWOD5

Using staff abilities to edit properties without the correct RP being done will result in staff punishment.

Persons that have priority over a vehicle may request for a person who does not have priority to leave that vehicle if they are not in combat and did not have the vehicle spawned for them.

Using a vehicle in a manner that it is not intended will result in an arrest for FailRP ex: Flying a BARC speeder, ALT+Eing on a BARC speeder.

Using a vehicle to map exploit will result in a map exploit ban.

MAU Chain of Command
Marshal Commander equivalent
Senior Commander equivalent
Regimental Commander equivalent
BCMD equivalent
MAU Overseers
MAU Leads
MAU Officers
MAU Personnel

Section 15: Clone Subdivisions Specialties
----- ===== Attack Battalions ===== -----

501st Legion:
Torrent Company - Veteran task force, that specializes in coordinated assaults and ambushes.
Carnivore Company - A Mechanized Assault Company, filled with skilled tank operators, TECH personnel and Engineers.
Domino Squad - Detachment of Torrent Company specializing in small unit tactics; marksmanship, breaching, sabotage, intelligence gathering, EOD, TECH, and piloting.
322nd - Jedi Allegiance and Protection unit loyal to Ahsoka Tano.

212th Attack Battalion:
2nd Airborne Company - Elite pilot troopers and paratroopers.
Ghost Company - Reconnaissance and sabotage Personnel specializing in Hostage Rescue.
Parjai Squad - Elite squad under the 2ndAC specialized in PVP and aerial combat.
"A" Squad - Elite Squad under Ghost Company specialized in Sabotage and Combat

327th Star Corps:
K Company - Elite Recon and Sharpshooter unit with specialization in TECH and Engineering.
Bacta Company - Frontline combat medics specializing in defensive combat procedures, emergency field triage and aggressive medical evacuations.
Talon Squad - An Elite Orbital Drop Squad specializing in advanced battle tactics, infiltration and logistics sabotage.

Doom's Unit:
Siege Squad - Specializes in Sieging and breaching heavily fortified areas alongside mechanized assault.
Horn Company - Elite trooper focused on medical including support squad.
Breakout Squad - Specialized sabotage and reconnaissance.

----- ===== Support Battalions ===== -----

41st Elite Corps:
Improcco Company - Elite infantry/combat support unit and anti terrorism/counterterrorism operations.
Green Company - Special Stealth Reconnaissance, Translation, and Wookiee Relations.
Ranger Platoon - Stealth infiltration, clandestine surveillance, and small-scale sabotage behind enemy lines.

91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps:
Keeli's Company - EOD/EOC & Ambush Personnel. Combat Medics that can speak/translate in Ryl.
Lightning Squad - Alien Protection Unit. Biohazard & TECH Trained Personnel.
TFF - Twi'lek Resistance group that can speak/translate in Ryl & conduct Alien Protection.
Windu's Unit - Clone Unit available for tasking by Jedi Council Members. Forensics and investigations & can protect the Jedi Temple under Code Orange.

Shock Troopers:
Diplomatic Services Unit - VIP Protection and escort unit for Senators and the Chancellor. HRU and BHZ personnel.
Loyalty Unit - Performs loyalty checks, and works closely with the Office of the Chancellor.

RANCOR Battalion:
Alpha ARC - Infiltration operations, Interrogating hostile personnel, and Rescue Operations.
ARC - Special weapons and tactics, ARC Program.
TU - Specialized ARF in regards to recon, working with Jedi, and weapons/tactics.
SRF - Special Recon Force.

----- ===== Republic Commando Squads ===== -----

Republic Commando
The most elite Clone Troopers. EOD, TECH and Interrogation Leads.

----- ===== Specialized Battalions ===== -----

Specialized Operations:
Covert Operations - Infiltration operations, assassins "dirty work".
Jet's Unit - Specializes in Flame Trooper combat alongside Breach and Clearing.

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion:
Wolfpack - Elite troopers in charge of hostage negotiations and rescue operations.
Howler - Elite engineers focused on vehicle and tank assault.

21st Nova Corps:
Keller's Unit - Intel Gathering and Counter-Intelligence and investigation of abnormalities within the GAR, utilizing massiffs.
Galactic Marines - Elite subdivision focused on space breaching and boarding and mechanized assault. Biohazard personnel.

----- ===== Squadrons ===== -----
----- ===== Attack Battalion Squadrons ===== -----

Red Squadron
Bomber squadron, priority BTL-B Y-Wing

Blue Squadron
Blockade Fighter Squadron, priority N1 Naboo Starfighter

----- ===== Support Battalion Squadrons ===== -----

Gold Squadron
Interceptor Squadron, priority ARC-40B

Razor Squadron
Transport Squadron, priority LAAT/i

----- ===== Specialized Battalion Squadrons ===== -----

Shadow Squadron
Bomber Squadron, priority T-51 Heavy Bomber

Hunter Squadron
Bomber Squadron, priority BTL-B Y-Wing

----- ===== Additional Information ===== -----

This new subdivision roster shows every single approved subdivision for every battalion.
All Battalions, if you wish to want a subdivision- you must go to a REG+ and explain why you want it and provide some evidence towards the lore.
Any possible changes to your subdivision must go first through your respective high command member, and then through the SL+.
Each battalion may only have a maximum of four subdivisions.

Section 16: Republic Ops Subdivisions Specialties
----- ===== Republic Operation Divisions===== -----

Republic Medical Division:
Republic Medical Research Department: Research and development of new medicines, treatments and medical technology (RMT+ can use kaminoan).

Republic Engineering Division:
Sapper Squad: Specialized in ENG for combat situations, vehicles and building artillery.

Republic Intelligence Division:
Specializes in COVERT operations which can involve the usage of disguises. Can provide protection for Rear Admiral+
Able to host the Black Market section of the galactic marketplace.

Republic Pilot Division:
Piloting is a division that focuses on aerial combat. Piloting is in charge of running the piloting certifications on the server. They don't have a whitelist or any special items, however, they have a variety of ships to play around with. RO Pilots are able to fly any cruiser ships on the server, along with what RO regularly does with approving and denying takeoffs/landings.

Section 17: Prop Limits and Whitelisted Props
----- ===== Prop limits and Whitelisted Props===== -----

1. Each bunk can have up to 10 props. This includes text screens.
2. Palpatine's Office may have 5 props in each office (10 in total)
3. Black Site, Ghost FOB and Kashyyyk may have up to 20 props.
4. Jedi Temple may have a total of 40 props.
5. Comms tower may have 5 props.
6. RHQ can have 5 props.
7. Armory can have 5 props.
8. The entire Venator may have 10 props.
9. Republic Commandos can have 15 in the Specialization Room.
10. Mas Amedda may have 5 props inside their office.
11. Generator Room and Medbay can have up to 10 props each.
12. No props that are larger than 65 x 65 units (about 1/4 of the room).

Section 18: Contraband Checks
----- ===== Contraband Checks ===== -----

1. Only a 2ndLT+ of Shock Troopers are allowed to enforce a contraband check.
a. Excludes 2ndLT+ who are in their TRNE Phase.
2. In order to enact a contraband check, Shock Troopers must have permission from the highest Officer in the battalion they are checking at the time.
3. Once permission is granted for a contraband check, Shock Troopers have full authority over that branch and their players even if higher in rank.
4. A contraband check can last no longer than 20 minutes.
5. Shock Troopers are only allowed to detain/fine players if they are caught with contraband. (Max fine 100 credits)
6. During the contraband check, the host of the check can institute any rules during the bunk check time as long as it falls within the rules. Anyone caught breaking the rules set by Shock Troopers may be arrested for FailRP.
7. The only ones allowed to cancel any ongoing or future bunk checks are any Regimental + from the Clone Sector.

Section 19: Hostage Rescue Rules
----- ===== Hostage Rescue Rules ===== -----

1. HRU situations lasting longer than thirty 30 minutes without being resolved are allowed to be intervened in.
2. 104th Wolfpack has absolute authority over HRU situations where clones/high command have been taken hostage.
3. For Clones to be classed as “hostages” they must have/acquired information that is valuable to the Republic.
4. HRU has the authority to kick out Senior Commander and below within reason.
5. Jedi Diplomats and Peacekeeper hold absolute authority over HRU situations if the hostage or hostage-taker is a force user.
6. If an HRU situation is taking place no unauthorized people should be trying to enter as this can interfere with the situation and get the hostage killed.
a. Individuals repeatedly attempting to enter an HRU situation after warning are subject to AOS/RAOS for Insubordination for interfering with an HRU situation.

Section 20: PTE/PTL and Ship Rules
1. Before leaving the base, all troopers under the rank of SMB (Officer) must ask PTL (permission to leave). You must specify why you are leaving:
a. Support, ARC, RO, Jedi, RC, Covert Ops, K-Company and Senate sector members are allowed to leave the base without PTL.​
b. An officer+ may bring people out of base with them without requesting separate PTL.​
c. Republic Ops and Shock Troopers are the primary people who will be granting PTL/PTE, members of high command of any sector may grant PTL/PTE if there are no available RO/ST to grant permissions.​
d. Travelling/Teleporting to Coruscant Locations (Jedi Temple/Senate Building) does not require PTL for all individuals.​
e. Personnel that request PTL may leave if they are not granted after three requests and after two minutes.​
2. All ships entering or leaving the base must request permission to take-off or land if ATC is active. Taking off or landing without permission may result in punishments being levied against your pilot license or an arrest depending on the circumstances surrounding the situation.
a. Members of the Office of the Chancellor are exempt from permission to takeoff and must simply inform that they are taking off. They still must request permission to land.​
b. Permission to take off or land must be asked for in comms and may only be asked for by the pilot.​
c. Takeoff and landing requests can be granted by RO or ST. High command of any sector may step in and grant takeoffs/landings should none of the above be available to grant them.​
d. Republic Intelligence are exempt from permission to takeoff when doing investigations. They must inform that they are taking off and request permission to land.​
e. All Landings and takeoffs are automatically granted after 2 minutes of no response to requests.​
3. You may not pilot a ship that you do not have the proper license or training to pilot or you may get arrested or have punishments levied against your pilot license.
4. Ships that have been stolen or are being operated by pilots who are not licensed to fly those ships will be requested to land immediately or be declared rogue. All rogue ships are to be shot down immediately by any personnel or pilots and the pilot of a rogue ship is to be arrested. Ships may be declared rogue by anyone who is in RO, or anyone who has permissions to AOS.

Section 21: Clone Specialties
1. Pilot, Engineer, & Medic: Standard trooper whitelist(s) that require a certification.
a. Must be trained in "Basic (Cert)" for their respective whitelist.
b. Battalion Commanders can add any extra restrictions to their bodygroupers
a) Tryouts, extra certifications, bodygroupers, etc all fall under BCMD authority.

Advanced Specialties
2. Support Trooper: Advanced trooper whitelist(s) that require a certification.
a. Must be trained in 'Basic Engineer' or 'Basic Medical'.
b. Battalion Commanders can add any extra restrictions to their whitelists.
a) Tryouts, extra certifications, bodygroupers, etc all fall under BCMD authority.

ARC Specialties
ARC: ARC Whitelists require certification through the ARC Program.
1) All Battalion Commander+ are allowed on any whitelist in their battalion. Including ARC Speciality whitelists.
2) ARC Bodygroupers are reserved for ARC Certified individuals. This does not apply to BCMD+
● Double ARC Pauldrons & ARC Armor are ARC Bodygroupers.
● Battalion Commanders may grant temporary access to ARC bodygroupers through incentive programs

It goes without saying you need T1 for ARC (Depending on Battalion If you are not in these tiers you will get arrested and punished severely.
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