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[Clonewars] Event maps - Help

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Community Owner
Chief Executive Officer
I require your help clone wars, and I am looking for new event maps to add to your event server; I need STEAM WORKSHOP URLs; you have all of today to get me as many as you can, thank you :)

Here is a list of all of our current maps we have in rotation.

- Map must make sense
- No useless posts, messages should only contain the STEAM URL and a brief message. all other posts will be deleted
- Keep all map URLS in the same comment, please don't post a new comment for each new map you find, just edit your previous comment.
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This is a Star Gate map, although captures the atmosphere of Mon Cala perfectly. This map could be used for RP including the two senators we have from the planet, to full-scale attacks both in and out of the planet's atmosphere around the city. This map is the perfect big-battle map, with a central tower with multiple floors which open when LFS vehicles come near, allowing for hangar bays to deploy from.

This is a full recreation from Republic Commando, allowing for a variety of stealth missions and for great tactical missions hosted by Gamemasters. This includes plenty of winding corridors, holding cells, and an area outside of the base to launch your attack. This map would fit perfectly and would be a great addition for battalions like SO and Republic Commando.

The Citadel is an infamous location, the massive former Jedi prison which is impenetrable. This map highlights that, with a variety of traps and tricks for Gamemasters to use, with several entrances which are hard to reach, through cargobays to through the pipes - which even then have deadly defenses! This map would be perfect for a hard, tactic-focused prisonbreak one-life event where Gamemasters can truly go wild on their ways to mentally torture players. My favorite trap, although simple, is a door in the pipes which requires players to leave one behind to operate the doors as players push further into the Citadel.

Arquitens is a great map that provides players both an aerial base, which is the arquitens ship high in the air, and then the ground base and snowy terrain of the floor. The small Republic outpost has few simulation rooms, leading out along winding paths into the snowy mountains to lead to a nearby town. This town includes a spaceport, cantina, and large mining quarry which leads down into the caves beneath. This map is a perfect map for ship-boarding, a crashed landing; with a wide selection of events that may be able to include both Naval and ground forces.

This map is literally a Star Wars rp_highlands, an excellent map in itself. This edited version is made to be Balmorra, from the Star Wars universe, although can be adapted to be any woodlands situation with a Star Wars Gozanti-looking cruiser parked, tunnels situated around the map for easy access, a civilian town with fields out beside them, sniper posts in the hills, and multiple bases scattered across the landscape. This is the perfect pick for long campaigns, or for extreme terrain including the hills of rp_highlands.

edit: star gate not star trek fuck.
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https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1678071372 - Rishi Moon Summer, adds a map with more green, also can be used for all day events for those old players who would enjoy some nostalgia

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2324900302 - Alzoc III, would allow for snowy sieges/attack defend events

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2255586125 - Asteroid Field, would allow for more pilot events, with the map selections we have now, only venator extensive allows this, but the venator itself sometimes just gets in the way


Член Совета Адониса.
Here are some of the maps that I posted within my previous suggestion thread.

Map one: sb_atlantis_b14a https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561391777

Map two: rp_arquitens_class https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2350995208

Map three: [NSN] EVENT MAP: ALZOC III https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2324900302

Map four: rp_thecitadel https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2321996232

Map five: Star Wars: Republic Commando - Trandoshan Slave Camp https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2222910384

Map six: Star Wars | Alderaan [The True SWRP] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2117764384

Map Seven: Map : Asteroidfield https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2255586125

Map Eight: RP_Arquitens https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1960606799


Best of 2020 Winner
Map Name: Tatooine
Why we need the map:
this map is quite similar to the geonosis map but with more buildings and such. Would be a great map to have a large Siege against the CIS on.
Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=563731859

Map Name: Coruscant
Why we need the map:
Although we already have a coruscant map, this map has more unique features and more of a urban feeling to it compared to the other coruscant map that we have though. Would be a nice map to have a passive RP/Shoot em up event on.
Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=271996368
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