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[Clone Wars] Map Redeployment Changes and Sneak Peeks!

Honestly I like the idea of turning it green, prefer green over grey. Having Tattoine and Kasyyyk will also give us GameMasters more event possibilities on main. Just hope it wont be 2 bar connection mayhem.


Honorary Sloth
thanks for the update dirt and smashy but where the fuck coruscant but thanks for the update nonetheless
well first, smashy isnt the one working on coruscant, 2Rek is, and the map is still in progress and being worked on. As was said several times before


Web Developer

Cause I know people are still going to ask.​


Former HROVS/4x SC CPT/Most Hated4HavingOpinions
I really love this! By chance are we being given cool caves on Tatooine? I liked having caves.