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A New Server Preview - Star Wars : Battlefront

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Former N1-ZX | Former SHK CMD
So have you thought of what battalions will be scrapped, if any when you port the troopers from imperial?
I kinda like the idea of a minimal amount of force users and their main purpose is just to fight eachother. A lot of possibilities with this stuff
Why another star wars? I respect all your opinions but...
Can we just get a Roblox RP? lol
By the way, nice work on the idea so far, o7 to whoever came up with this idea.
(BOD´s have chosen well.)


JvS God
Star Wars Universe?

Okay, Time to Transfer bye Imperial!

This is what JVS was supposed to be from the start.
This is what I was pushing for my entire time as DVL.

Ngl I'm thrilled this is getting implemented, but I'm aggravated. This is what I asked for precisely and had envisioned, yet it was turned down so many times.

My former HA team can vouch for this.
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All the servers that have came out in icefuse I.e policeRP and Minecraft icefuse have been taken down very sad they gotta make another Star Wars which I don’t enjoy oof
As our forefathers said before us (CWRP Meena Tills *chaos*): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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