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8.21.2021 Clonewars Update


No longer Retired Local Forum grinder
GRealms Senior Mod
Recruitment Officer
Mentor Officer
Poggers… rip the GMAN

Chuck Bartowski

CWRP Senior Mod
Game Master Apprentice
After playing for about an hour I can truly say that this update is amazing. The ships... oh boy. The addition of many new ships is awesome and they truly are quality. Additionally, the updating of many ships (such as the ARC-170) also made them more modernized. The models were also amazing (though I didn't really like the new RG models as they aren't very lore-friendly and they look like toys).
A lot of improvements but some drawbacks to models for some people. Not to mention dozens of people are crashing minutes into connecting to the server. Looking forward to the hotfixes to come.


MRP still waiting like...

