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5/18/2021 MRP Changelogs

Hello, there has been an implementation of an Event Server for MRP as well as some minor QOL changes for the server lists.
[ + ] Forums
- Server List has been updated with the CWRP, IRP & the new MRP Event Servers. [https://icefuse.net/servers/]

[ + ] Military RP Event Server
- New MRP Event Server
- Ground base vehicle's
- New NPC's
- Flashlight
- Multiple maps that will can be changed by any GM [Admin] +

[ + ] List of new NPC's
- SNPC's
- Contagion
- Doom Eternal
- Military
- Sentry's Military & Sentry's Modern
- Sentry's Rebel
- Sentry's Security
- Sentry's Terrorist

[ + ] List of new Maps
- gm_atomic
- gm_bay
- gm-bigcity
- gm_bigcity_d
- gm_blackmesa_sigma
- gm_blackwoods2
- gm_blackwoods3
- gm_blesmont
- gm_boreas
- gm_construct
- gm_coolsnow
- gm_flatgrass
- gm_fork
- gm_genesis
- gm_goldencity_day
- gm_lair
- gm_marsh
- gm_mudpit
- gm_novenka
- gm_ost
- gm_range_e8
- gm_redrock
- gm_retreat
- gm_rhine
- gm_sevenseas
- gm_spoon
- gm_usborder
- gm_vyten
- gm_vyten
- gm_white_forest_bunker
- gm_ww1_jlps
- gm_york
- rp_afghan_border
- rp_csdesert_edit2
- rp_desert_conflict
- rp_desertfury
- rp_headattackcity_v1
- rp_highland
- rp_necro_forest_a1
- rp_woodland_warzone
- slender_forest

More can and will be added later.


Ex P.S | Formerly known as Colonel Slugger
Is this a new server?
I can't wait to see the player base that this is targeting!