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1.6.2022 Rust Changelog


Community Owner
Chief Executive Officer
Here is a recap of what I have been working on for rust, I left a few things out that were patches to a few new systems I added in this changelog as they were not needed.

- Moved the following machines to a new 10900k.
- Alpha, Bravo, Omega, Vanilla

- Started messing around with a zombie survival server "not official"

- Updated seed list on ALL rust servers to support new monuments.
- Updated IcefuseAdmin to prevent multiple types of hook use while in-game.
- Updated IcefuseBGrade to work with the new combat block system.
- Updated IcefuseAlias system to support new commands being added to rust.
- Updated command restriction system to support new spectate commands.
- Updated Chat system to support upcoming mute system changes.

- Added a new combat system.
- Added a new player homes system.
- Added a new player teleport system.
- Added a new system to disable fireworks on all modded servers.
"- Added a new system to disable fireworks on all modded servers." nice my game crashed cause someone spammed fireworks at bandit camp the other day lmao


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Shortest DVL Term
Is the zombie survival server going to tie in with Medieval Roleplay or need a new DvL by chance?