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Hello fam! This update includes some necessary patches to administrative features on MilitaryRP (namely command fixes that have become out of date due to the previous map change that took place) and some quality of life alterations. Military roleplay is still looking pretty good since my last personal update for them (here), but I did notice a few small areas where I could fine tune the operation and offer some improvement. So here we are again! This time was pretty straight forward and I am glad to present you with (IMO) some easy stuff!

We will once again be providing a sit room equipped with the appropriate spaces required of your busy environment within the current map. I have stuck with the previous design in favor of majority vote and it has proven to be sufficient for its various uses. We hope you like it more than before!

This release also reintroduces the familiar notification system that was built for the server previously, which has become more optimized since then and geared towards remaining lightweight at all times. You will now once again receive advanced kill notifications for each kill you get (or deaths that you experience), which will include the name and SteamID of the individuals involved for easy access. The new version of this featured release is packaged without any intensive faction comparisons. This will ensure that you still have a more informative combat experience without sacrificing any server performance in the process.

As for any other details, check them out below! Thank you for choosing Icefuse Networks!


[DONE] ENVIRONMENT: Built a new sit room for the current map. Host your sits in an appropriate location.
[DONE] ENVIRONMENT: Built a new jailbox for the sit room for players jailed by admins.

[DONE] ENVIRONMENT: Added back some permanent ammo crates within each base (Surplus Ammo Crates).
*A big shoutout to
MARSOC Rpr 1 1 1stLt Dennis for their assistance in choosing the correct locations.


[DONE] COMMANDS: Set the new /sit location under a big-ass mountain.



[DONE] COMMANDS: Set the new /jailbox command location.
[DONE] COMMANDS: Set the new /jail spawn locations.
[DONE] COMMANDS: Set the new admin jailbox locations.



[DONE] COMMANDS: Fixed the location parameters for the /spawn command (US Recruit room).
[DONE] COMMANDS: Fixed the location parameters for the /spawn2 command (Insurgent Recruit room).

[DONE] COMMANDS: Fixed the location parameters for the US spawn command (/us).
[DONE] COMMANDS: Fixed the location parameters for the Insurgent spawn command (/ins).

[DONE] COMMANDS: Added a new command for instant connection to the event server (/event).
[DONE] COMMANDS: Added a new command for instant connection to the main server (/main).

[DONE] RULES: The F4 menu was updated to provide the latest rules document.
[DONE] RULES: The /rules command was updated to show the latest rules document.


[DONE] SETTINGS: Spawnpoints: Citizens were removed from the US and INS bases.
[DONE] SETTINGS: Spawnpoints: Citizens were added to villages and various other sensible locations.


[DONE] SETTINGS: Spawnpoints: Goats were removed from the US and INS bases.
[DONE] SETTINGS: Spawnpoints: Goats were added to the mountains and various other sensible locations.


[DONE] WEAPONS: Cat Gun: Added a standard recoil function as expected!
[DONE] WEAPONS: Cat Gun: Reduced damage by 10 (60 > 50).
[DONE] WEAPONS: Cat Gun: No longer OP as fuck. Sorry! :)


[DONE] NOTIFICATIONS: Kill notifications have been re-enabled (no rewards or faction comparisons are made).


*Yes, I know this footage is not from MilitaryRP. It is provided here as a live demonstration of the feature.*

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