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Recent content by Choleric

  1. Choleric

    Valheim Server

    Damn nice work on the MRP update!
  2. Choleric

    [Pushed 8/2/21] MilitaryRP Weapon Changelog

    I brought up the CZ being auto finally and VSS if anyone wants to thank me
  3. Choleric

    Imagine being late to your officer meeting cause you were too busy jerking off to lolis

    Imagine being late to your officer meeting cause you were too busy jerking off to lolis
  4. Choleric

    Nah it's been almost a year since I retired

    Nah it's been almost a year since I retired
  5. Choleric

    Bro I don't even play IceFuse anymore + it's iconic

    Bro I don't even play IceFuse anymore + it's iconic
  6. Choleric

    Yo imagine

    Yo imagine
  7. Choleric

    MRP Map Announcement!

    If this map does come out on Friday how much ya'll willing to bet after years of work the community will still want to go back to mrp_day
  8. Choleric

    Bark Biko

    Bark Biko
  9. Choleric

    MRP Map

    I like the new map. I think that gameplay wise it's a lot more varied than the old map. However, the old map was just a lot more fun and had a charm to it that the new map just doesn't have
  10. Choleric

    Icefuse Networks CS:GO Tournament

    Who wants to make a team with me I dont have the game currently installed and have only played it for 4 hours im the perfect guy