Icefuse Networks

Roleplay Discord Rules & Guidelines
[Roleplay Discord Server Rules]
- Do not harass, attack, cause unnecessary drama, or threaten any members of our community.
- Do not release personal information about any member of our community without their explicit given consent.
- Respect all players & staff alike (Friendly banter is fine, clear disrespect is NOT).
- Do not use our community or any of our services as a platform to advertise your server or community, otherwise known as "leeching".
- Do not impersonate others.
- Do not send private messages to users in the discord containing cheat websites, IP Grabbers, Porn websites, Phishing websites, Screaming Links, or anything that can harm the user’s computer or could be considered malicious, inappropriate, or with ill intent.
- Any type of gore, pornography, racist, homophobic, sexist, or violent content will be removed immediately. This rule applies to #memes to an extent.
- Do not backseat moderate.
- Do not talk about things relating to an in-game punishment such as a jail or ban. If you feel like you were wrongly jailed/banned, you can make a staff report at (
- Nicknames must not be offensive or contain racial slurs.
- You cannot use/post-racial slurs, derogatory words, pornography, or discrimination.
- Use channels for their intended purposes. For example, no general talking in #quotes.
- Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, and other exploits that will cause an incident within the community and other players.
- Spamming is not allowed to any degree and will result in a kick.
- Do not argue with staff. Decisions are final.
- No special characters, special fonts, fake medals, emojis, or icons in your discord username. The exception is those who have received an official medal.
- Do not put your battalion name or rank in your Discord nickname. You may only put roleplay names after your OOC name.
- Do not assign yourself roles you are not supposed to have.
- While gifs, images, and videos are allowed in general, they shouldn't cause disruption to regular conversation. Spamming or group spamming images, gifs, or videos, in general, can result in punishment.
- Use common sense.
[Enforcement of the Rules]
These rules may be enforced by any member of our Discord Moderation Team or Executive Team. Violations that would normally result in a mute may be upgraded to a ban depending on the severity or repeat offenses. Those responsible for enforcing our rules have the final say in any matters involving a potential violation of these rules. Moderators are to be held accountable and are expected to abide by our outlined rules just like any other member as well as our Moderator Guidelines. Misconduct from moderators including not enforcing rules, not following rules, or abusing power can be reported to the Discord Manager or Network Executive.