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MilitaryRP Hotfix 11/8/20

[+] New Medkits, Handcuffs, & Tasers.

[=] Aircraft Stinger ammo reduced from 8 > 1.
[=] Aircraft Stinger now requires a lock on a vehicle to fire.
[=] Removed some models from jobs that were rigged incorrectly, causing improper damage when shot.

[//] Fixed a bug that allowed users with medkits to sprout wings and fly.
[//] Headshot multipliers on users were not calculating to acceptable parameters. These have been adjusted to make headshots deal more damage once more.
[//] Reduced or removed movement penalties on weapons from attachments.
[//] Reduced time it takes to fire from draw on most weapons.
[//] Adjusted player spawn movement speed to cooperate with the now removed movement penalty system listed above.