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Military RP: Map Update!


doing what I want, how I want
I feel all problems would be solved if we pulled an ARMA 2 and moved it to a fictional country, such as Takistan. There’s lots of opportunities to be explored there. We could even create our own, just need to be creative.
Agreed, having a fictional country would allow for so many opportunities that wouldn’t be limited by “lore”


Commander of RP
Agreed, having a fictional country would allow for so many opportunities that wouldn’t be limited by “lore”
I smell the developments of a new country and Insurgency

Time to learn Hammer brb


Commander of RP
Agreed just don't let @Mute nuke it or we'll be renaming it every other week
Catacomb moved from Nuking, now we use biological / chemical weapons :)

Less property/enviroment Damage #CatacombGoingGreen!