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[ImperialRP] Server Rules & Regulations Changelog - 04/12/2022


Mumbling Brit
ImperialRP Server Rules & Regulations Changelog
[+] Jumptroopers are exempt from the clearance level restrictions of rafters during defcon 3 and above.

[+] Scout troopers are exempt from the clearance level restrictions of rafters during defcon 3 and above.

[+] BO/NBO members may not be apart of multiple BO/NBO squads at the same time
a. DT are not included in this.

[+] Spamming or pressing an elevator button while the elevator is already in motion intentionally is considered FailRP and is an arrestable offense.

[+] ISB exempt from the clerance level restrictions of rafters and SFC.

8. Jumping from high places is FailRP.
d. Storm Commandos may repel from MHB rafters
e. NST may repel while guarding a VIP if their VIP repels
f. Shock may repel when chasing an AOS or guarding a VIP
g. ExSquad may repel when guarding a VIP
h. Torrent Company may repel when guarding a VIP

Section 4: Special Privileges Shock Troopers: - Warden may KOS anyone who attacks brig regardless of where the attack comes from.

Section 5: Guarding Regulations 7. Scout/Storm Commandos may guard Naval Officers+ and may serve as the naval sectors covert ops army attachment such as NST do with army.


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