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Gmod Hotfixes - 7/10/22


Член Совета Адониса.
Dirt is there a way to fix the health values on every whitelist? A main issue that I see is that when someone gets down to a certain HP such as like 1-50 and they are hit with a medkit the max amount of health they can be healed to is 200. Is that going to be changed or?


Dirt is there a way to fix the health values on every whitelist? A main issue that I see is that when someone gets down to a certain HP such as like 1-50 and they are hit with a medkit the max amount of health they can be healed to is 200. Is that going to be changed or?
Im also having a similar issue. For some reason one of my guys can get healed to 1000 and another only 220
I can not wait to play this incredible hotfix on icefuse networks imperial roleplay! thank you so much!


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