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Garry's Mod Staff Hotfix - 7/18/22


No longer Retired Local Forum grinder
GRealms Senior Mod
Recruitment Officer
Mentor Officer

[#] Due to popular demand by staff, !logs has been updated to now support SteamID64 instead of SteamID32 on all servers.
[#] The new director and supervisor ranks now have access to view !logs.
[#] Added director and supervisor to the Prometheus blacklist.
[#] The new chat filtering system has been pushed to ImperialRP, MilitaryRP, and DarkRP.

- These changes will rollout to all Garry's Mod servers on their next natural restart.

Special thanks go to @Screw for his work on the logs fix and the chat filtration system. If you see him around, make sure to thank him!
wtf is the promethues blacklist