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  1. Kalata Abramson

    Military RP: Map Update

  2. Kalata Abramson

    05/30/2020 Military RP Changelog

    Bro buff the cat gun holy shit dog.
  3. Kalata Abramson

    5/14/20 Military Roleplay Map Update

    Good update would be cool if we could switch maps like sayeed's dvl term with Smashy's and gale's map in the later future.
  4. Kalata Abramson

    DVL+ Promotions

    Well Deserved Bob.
  5. Kalata Abramson

    IFN Servers

  6. Kalata Abramson

    Happy Birthday Sayeed

    Happy Birthday brother!
  7. Kalata Abramson

    Military Map Development Thread [UPDATED 11/30/19]

    I think this looks sick and could help with the lag if it is taken in consideration about what you use as in lighting to pervent lag. other than that new maps are like new things....EXCITING TO TRY.