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  1. Bloodhunter

    Hm. Monkey

    Hm. Monkey
  2. Bloodhunter

    [FiveM] Looking for First Responders to enlist!

    Time has come... imma be a pink police officer again just like my old times back on the old 2019 FiveM
  3. Bloodhunter

    FiveM Staff Anouncement

    Alright, its time to come back to Icefuse and FiveM this is what I've been waiting for. Will there be any Head Of EMS? Just asking cause I used to be a Head Of EMS of another FIveM server long before I ended up here. Edit: @ZabeOli the time has come. We're back on FIveM
  4. Bloodhunter

    FiveM Development Log

    Icefuse FiveM? POG Time to go back to GTA V RP @ZabeOli me and you back to da gang!
  5. Bloodhunter

    Congratulation. How does he taste?

    Congratulation. How does he taste?
  6. Bloodhunter

    1.6.2021 Imperial Update [Phase 1]

  7. Bloodhunter

    Imagine being Neo

    Imagine being Neo
  8. Bloodhunter

    New steam name requirements.

    Honestly, I don't like it. I prefer the staff rank name ETC. This is just my opinion
  9. Bloodhunter

    Recent Changes to Affairs

    Press F to pay Respect RIP mentor team o7
  10. Bloodhunter

    Introducing the new Director of Affairs!

    My boy Quiz got D.O.A! Congraztulation man, we are all proud of you.
  11. Bloodhunter

    New Forum Theme "Illuminate Dark"

    Absolute amazing theme. I APPROVE IT :D Edit: Is there by any chance that the store website will also be update to this type of theme as well or is that gonna stay default?