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  1. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [4/28/2023]

    We do not care
  2. Ambrosia

    CWRP QOL Patch 1/29/2023

    Trust me, skill points won't boost your player count. All IRP is, is a downgraded version of CWRP with a bunch more snakes and a bunch more people power-hungry for positions willing to do anything to their "friends" to get there.
  3. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [09/09/2022]

  4. Ambrosia

    DarkRP QOL Patch 8/11/22

    cool this change looks great and im sure that this will help i love this change thanks you so much dirt for the awesome change
  5. Ambrosia

    Garry's Mod Patch 7/29/22

    Yes, whatever run speed you get is whatever run speed the job has, (I assume). They probably used to cache the values so that's why you could just switch and have the same run speed on every other job because they probably never updated the cache.
  6. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [7/22/2022]

    congrats differenze
  7. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [05/27/2022]

    Next up on the maintenance list: MilitaryRP
  8. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [03/18/2022]

    Congrats boys
  9. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [02/04/2022]

    When is that new policy coming out and can we implement term limits on executive positions again please, thanks for the amazing global meeting!
  10. Ambrosia

    Global Meeting [01/07/2022]

    Congrats Forum Manager @Tinoo ensure these forums are secure!