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Recent content by Tataman

  1. Tataman

    CWRP QOL Patch 1/29/2023

    Yes.. also.. Epic O
  2. Tataman

    With or without honey?

    With or without honey?
  3. Tataman

    Ello! I am the first to comment on your profile.. and I don't know how I didn't do it earlier lmao

    Ello! I am the first to comment on your profile.. and I don't know how I didn't do it earlier lmao
  4. Tataman

    Ello! I am the first to comment on your profile

    Ello! I am the first to comment on your profile
  5. Tataman

    I am the first person to comment on your profile *eyes*

    I am the first person to comment on your profile *eyes*
  6. Tataman

    Me: *Just re-realizing what he meant*

    Me: *Just re-realizing what he meant*
  7. Tataman

    Ello Kent!

    Ello Kent!
  8. Tataman

    Ah yes.. of course

    Ah yes.. of course
  9. Tataman

    Clone Wars Patch 7/28/22

    Let's go.. finally