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Recent content by ramo_

  1. ramo_

    [CityRP] Server Rules Changelog - 04/26/2022

    hobos can mug holy shit
  2. ramo_

    3/14/22 Infrastructure Update

  3. ramo_

    10/12/21 MilitaryRP Changelog

  4. ramo_

    oh i see my bad

    oh i see my bad
  5. ramo_

    wait jujubee is in JvS, what

    wait jujubee is in JvS, what
  6. ramo_

    Global Meeting [8/27/2021]

  7. ramo_

    7.30.2021 Military Changelogs.

  8. ramo_

    [Pushed 8/2/21] MilitaryRP Weapon Changelog

    what have they done to my home boi fal
  9. ramo_

    Global Meeting [07/23/2021]

    congrats to the winners! err to the people who got promoted!
  10. ramo_

    you balder

    you balder
  11. ramo_

    7.7.2021 MRP Changelogs

    they should make it so that we can edit our slots but nonetheless these are some good stuff o7
  12. ramo_

    Global Meeting [7/2/2021]

    congrats to everyone who got promoted!! @Meg you owe me now
  13. ramo_

    Military RP: Update [6/28/2021]

    lemme bust a nut rq
  14. ramo_

    Global Meeting [6/18/2021]

    congrats o7
  15. ramo_

    Global Meeting [6/11/2021]

    @BoRock congrats! o7