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Recent content by Pxnda

  1. Pxnda

    [Grealms] - New Icefuse server.

    This has grabbed my attention I believe I am interested in this peculiar server
  2. Pxnda

    Global Meeting Post [11/10/2023]

  3. Pxnda

    Global Meeting Post [07/28/23]

    -1 Very immature. Not a good person, always being mean and a minge. At this time I cannot support this applicant
  4. Pxnda

    Global Meeting [10/15/2021]

  5. Pxnda

    Valheim Server

    Free waffles?
  6. Pxnda

    Global Meeting [8/27/2021]

    My Favorite non-french-Man Screw. o7 Jidax
  7. Pxnda

    [Military] QOL & Game Master Changes 4/13/21

    Wow you did this shit when I resigned from the server. Nice