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Recent content by Oki

  1. Oki

    I love you Dun Jarr

    I love you Dun Jarr
  2. Oki

    [Jedi vs Sith] Maintenance Period

    :O hmmmm
  3. Oki

    [Jedi vs Sith] Maintenance Period

    It was the best time I have ever had gaming during my time on JvS. The memories and friends I made will be with me forever. All I want to say now is that I hope JvS will prosper in the future and my heart is with all the players and staff. o7 JvS
  4. Oki

    City RP: Map Edit v3

  5. Oki

    December Competition (Everyone except Executives!!!)

    Already halfway done ;)
  6. Oki

    [10/20/2018] JVS Changelog
