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Recent content by Leaf

  1. Leaf

    Rule Changes 23/06/2020

    The only racism I see on this server is from the higher-ups they banned slick b for posting Bible verses for no reason change my mind.
  2. Leaf

    Rule Changes 23/06/2020

    John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
  3. Leaf

    Rule Changes 23/06/2020

    You're never gonna get rid of racism, stupid people won't change all we can do is to acknowledge the fact that people are racist and have them be punished no matter what you do it will still exist and fwi I'm not just talking about just black racism I'm talking about all types of racism.
  4. Leaf

    Rule Changes 23/06/2020

    how am I supposed to be immersed now in my roleplay without racism, racism is just apart of life stop being such a fucking snowflake
  5. Leaf

    Rule Changes 23/06/2020

    This will end racism
  6. Leaf

    New steam name requirements.

    What an original idea from the executive team
  7. Leaf

    5/30/20 MilitaryRP Update

    Mrp is so toxic tho
  8. Leaf

    12.30.2019 Clone Wars Update changelog

    Damn this sucks where the fuck are the vapes
  9. Leaf

    A New Server Preview - Star Wars : Battlefront

    Just buy Battlefront 2
  10. Leaf

    [12/10/2019] MILITARY PATCH

    What about the new map and the job changes tho
  11. Leaf

    Newsletter - November 2019

    Slide that map over already its been a few years
  12. Leaf

    DVL+ Promotions

    Congrats lets see whos the first one to leave tho.
  13. Leaf

    MRP Update

    so whens the next map coming out
  14. Leaf

    Current MRP Map: Updated!

    So does mean one more year for the next map or two more years?