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Recent content by BlueBird

  1. BlueBird

    Improving Support

    Just in general got tired of being pm'd to do support interviews every 10-30 minutes
  2. BlueBird

    7/10/2020 Military Hotfix

    Nice... Nice... made me happy, made me smile... nice...
  3. BlueBird

    07/06/2020 MilitaryRP Change log

  4. BlueBird

    Recent Changes to Affairs

    When you go to the forums to post a mentor application, and you find out the team was fucking punted
  5. BlueBird

    Regarding server suggestions and bug reports

    bruh, well now that I've secured 2nd comment, shoutout to the amazing developers and people who strive to make the forums and servers better
  6. BlueBird

    Imperial Roleplay Map Change

    I really don't want to go back to that old Medbay its soo bad